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Posted by: Press On Ministries on 08/24/2016

Healing and Living Water

This is a conference series that focuses on the paralytic man at the pool of Bethesda and the Woman at the well in Samaria. Both sessions share a bit of information regarding the actual locations of these sites in Israel. In the session on the paralytic man, we focus on the importance of not being identified by our illness or sickness, but rather being identified by who we are in Christ. We look at the paralytic man’s reluctance to do what was necessary to be healed and parallels are made to those with mental illness today. The man was looking for the healing power of the water to make him well, when what he really needed was the healing power of the Living Water to make him whole. The session on the Samaritan woman at the well covers how she was most likely rejected by the others in her town because of her lifestyle – but yet Jesus, a Jewish rabbi, took interest in her, and shared a drink with her. In these sessions we learn that Jesus knows everything about us, sees us for who we are, and yet still draws us to Himself, the Living Water from which we can be healed, drink, and never thirst again.

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