The glory of a godly marriage, being a minister's wife, caring for my beloved husband through his illness until he met the Lord, and knowing God as my ultimate source of comfort...
Posted by Mindy Glaser on 09/03/2024
The speech I'll be delivering, titled "Where is God in the Brokenness," is a deeply personal exploration of my journey through one of the darkest moments of my life—the...
Posted by Michelle Bader Ebersole on 09/03/2024
Philippians 4:8 TPT[8] Keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind....
Posted by Ann Medina on 08/12/2024
Why do we neglect our brokenness? We may deny having brokenness, we may despise it, or maybe we view it as a deficiency. What if we allowed our brokenness to be a blessing?...
Posted by Staci Pealock on 06/18/2024
Through a deep dive into Jesus’ interactions with several women of the Bible, you’ll discover the lasting impact of His radical regard and profound love for women.Come...
Posted by Sarah Holley on 06/07/2024
This talk dives deep into the glorious miracle of redemption and is based on the book of Ruth with four main points that include Loyalty, God's Provision, Boldness and of course,...
Posted by Heather Schimmelpfennig on 04/11/2024
Life hits hard, fast and out of control - like a freight train to a brick wall. All you can focus on is breathe... repeat. Find your next step... FOUR PART RETREAT. This...
One of the biggest burdens of today is women sitting in brokenness, ashamed to speak about it or get help. It is exactly where the enemy wants us and where he begins his demolition...
Posted by Dawn Spicer on 02/26/2024
"Train up a child" can provoke more frustration than encouragement. How do I train them?! Yet principles from the Bible can empower parents to boldly declare, "Because...
Posted by Stephanie Smith on 02/23/2024
Life can be messy at times, and the expectations we have for our lives can be shattered into pieces when things don't go our way, BUT GOD! Looking at the example in Nehemiah...
Posted by Lisa Spivey on 02/19/2024 Bougainvillea plant is tough as nails, fast-growing, and puts on a spectacular show of colorful blossoms year-round....