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Posted by: Muriel Gladney on 02/16/2024

A Bougainvillea Woman


The Bougainvillea plant is tough as nails, fast-growing, and puts on a spectacular show of colorful blossoms year-round. The leaves are heart-shaped. The surprise is that the blossoms are so fragile when they are dry, they remind you of thin crepe paper used for crafts. Yet they still hold their shape. On the other hand, this plant has very stiff stems with thorns that will slice and dice the skin on your fingers and hands, and any other part of your body that it touches. These very sharp and pointy thorns protect the plants from browsing animals.  God wants His appointed women to be like the Bougainvillea plant where our outward and inward beauty is for all to see and experience, but NOT for everyone to touch. 

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