Sometimes life is just hard; hard to breathe, hard to laugh, hard to cry and hard to live. No matter what we go through the ultimate element of our survival is trusting in God....
Posted by Lynnette Appling, MSHRM, PHR on 12/28/2015
Hear songs of the Christmas season woven throughout the story of either...- Mary & Joseph laying down their own plans for their future to welcome Jesus, who changed their lives,...
Feel confident in your look and how wonderfully you were made. Discover your color code, body shape, and learn how to choose the most flattering clothes for you specific features,...
Posted by Taunya Todd on 11/16/2015
Before any significant makeover can happen, some demolition is usually needed. The old and unnecessary must be torn down before it can be replaced with the new and needed improvements....
Posted by Danna Demetre on 11/02/2015
Discover more about yourself, others, relationships, work and home as you begin to learn how to discern the season that you are in during a particular time in your life. Living things...
Posted by Tonya Wells on 11/02/2015
This presentation focuses on observance of Lent and Holy Week, as well as the celebration of Easter. Kathy will focus on the teachings of Jesus during the last week of his life, providing...
Posted by Kathy Stockman on 11/02/2015
"Never would Forshia have believed that God would use her artistic and creative gifts to lead people to a knowledge of Him. But indeed He has. God has given Forshia a unique gift...
Posted by Forshia Ross on 10/29/2015
Girl, you gotta meet Grace! Grace loves you when you're unlovable, pulls you out of the pit when you're pitiful, and strengthens you when you're struggling. Get to know...
Posted by Laurie Cole on 10/29/2015
Connie is a prolific and adaptable speaker.She will adjust her topic to your request. She speaks to Men, Women, Children; at Retreats, Seminars, Conferences and Special Events; Her...
Stronger is designed to ignite a passion for intimacy with God. Spiritual disciplines such as prayer, silence and solitude, listening and rest are taught in a way that enables women...
Our past can be filled with memories so powerful that their recall often brings pain to the present. Our stomach knots up. Feelings of inferiority or shame can arise. Our past is not...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 10/29/2015
The most requested teaching for a weekend retreat!Becoming a Woman of Character is perfect for a weekend retreat, conference or leadership training.Who are you in the dark?This presentation...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 10/29/2015