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Kathy Stockman

Christian Speaker
Oak Park Illinois 60302

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I love to inspire women to develop life changing celebrations and traditions!

I love to inspire women to develop life changing celebrations and traditions!

Contact Information

Position Christian Woman Speaker
Online Social Profiles
Oak Park, IL 60302
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
Willow Creek Chicago
Relationship to Church
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Speaking Experience
Experienced (over 10 events)
Fee Range
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More About Kathy Stockman

Celebrations & Traditions

Kathy Stockman has been assisting women around the country in developing life changing celebrations and traditions for more than two decades. She has enjoyed speaking at over 100 churches for events such as teas and MOPS meetings. Kathy is the author of The Advent Book, a favorite tradition for two generations of families around the world.

Kathy Stockman Recommendations

Submitted by Sam L Reed on Monday, May 20, 2024

Sam L Reed

Kathy has been walking with the Lord since her childhood. And her love for the Lord is one of the most notable qualities about her life. I have known her and her family as a faithful members of the congregation which I pastored for the last 2 years (My tenure was 2 years; she has served the congregation for more than 25 years). During the time I have known her, she has been a leader in the Christian Education ministry of our local Church. I have found her always willing to go the second mile, always ready with a creative idea to involve adults and children in learning, and always interested in linking truth to life in a relevant way. Kathy is a an energetic and gifted communicator, speaking enthusiastically from the heart about family worship disciplines. I believe that the impact of her message is a result of the fact that everything she shares has been worked out in her home and with her family. She and her husband have lived before their children what she speaks...

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Submitted by Shirley Buckalew, Event Planner on Monday, Nov 02, 2015

Shirley Buckalew, Event Planner

I heard Kathy Stockman speak at a Hearts At Home Conference in Lansing, Michigan. I attended her session on Family Christmas Traditions. I was very excited about the information she shared there. The true importance of Christmas was very evident in what she presented. It was clearly visible that she was sincere in telling her audience about her family's traditions in bringing the Gospel message to friends and other family members by the many creative ideas she told us about. I was pleased to invite Kathy to speak on this topic to the MOPS (Mother of Preschoolers) group of which I am the Mentor Mom,who is in charge of the programming. She did an excellent job in her presentation and related well with the Moms after she spoke.

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Submitted by Kendra Long, Event Planner on Monday, Nov 02, 2015

Kendra Long, Event Planner

Last Christmas I invited Kathy Stockman to take part not only in a Family Advent Celebration but to speak at our annual women's Christmas brunch. We have a church of 1000 attenders and it is important to us that our large events be well planned and professional in presentation. Kathy was a delight to work with. She was generous with her ideas and time, winsome in her actual presentation and wam and personal in all her interactions. The women's brunch was a seeker sensitive event, and Kathy was very well received by the women. Her blend of humor, personal style and rich family experience made her a great resource for a women's Christmas gathering. I enthusiastically recommend her as a speaker for churches or Christian women's events. She is a delight personally and professionally.

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Kathy Stockman Speaking Topics

Celebration of Easter

This presentation focuses on observance of Lent and Holy Week, as well as the celebration of Easter. Kathy will focus on the teachings of Jesus during the last week of his life, providing...

Posted by Kathy Stockman on 11/02/2015

Using Technology to Build Family

Kathy suggests ways that technology can be used to grow, rather than disrupt, relationships. She will share her experiences and ideas for using tools such as Facebook, Power Point,...

Posted by Kathy Stockman on 11/02/2015

Celebration of Christmas

Kathy presents ways to enhance observance of Advent and Christmas, bringing a wealth of ideas for activities and traditions. The presentation includes plans for a daily worship time,...

Posted by Kathy Stockman on 11/02/2015

Celebrations & Traditions

The Celebrations and Traditions You've Always Wished For ~ It's Never to Late to Start! Kathy loves to inspire women to develop new traditions and special celebrations. She...

Mother Daughter Traditions

Kathy presents creative ideas for intentionally enhancing and building meaningful relationships between women and their daughters, as well as other special young women and girls in...

Posted by Kathy Stockman on 01/31/2016

Just for Women

Kathy shares stories and creative ideas for building and enhancing strong friendships between women, as well as for mentoring the special younger women and girls in their lives....

Making Mealtimes Memorable

Kathy shares ideas for making the dinner hour a time to make memories, teach, and bond~ as well as have a ton of fun!...

Posted by Kathy Stockman on 11/02/2015

Kathy Stockman Events

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