Did you know that there is now overwhelming research which supports that forgiveness is one of the most powerful actions we can do to position us to live a fruitful, peaceful, and...
Posted by Dr. Brenetia Adams-Robinson on 12/21/2015
Self-defeating behaviors are best defined as negative on-going patterns of behaviors that undermine one’s capacity to live a purpose driven life; behaviors that have manifested...
This seminar is a must for the professional who has to be all to everyone. It is intended to help attendees understand that balancing work and family in today’s fast paced race is...
In order to live your life authentic best life, you must embrace who you are, knowing that despite your imperfections you are still an awesome creation of God. This powerful...
Posted by Dr. Brenetia Adams-Robinson on 12/21/2015
Newton's law of motion tells us that an object in motion tends to stay in motion. This principle is not only applicable to inanimate object, it is particularly applicable to the human...
This training program is a survival kit for individuals determined to succeed despite overwhelming odds, traumatic experiences, and turmoil. Attendees will be challenged to self assess...
This training focuses on getting the workgroup motivated to maximally achieve the organization’s goals and strategic initiatives as a strong collective whole. It is designed...
Having survived fires, floods, a tornado, sinking boat, burglary, lightning strike, cancer in the family, sudden death in the family, head injury in the family, business set backs...
Invitation to the Deep end of the PoolTwo are Better than OneWho Would Hide You? ...
Posted by Cathy Messecar on 11/30/2015
Hear songs of the Christmas season woven throughout the story of either...- Mary & Joseph laying down their own plans for their future to welcome Jesus, who changed their lives,...
Do you regularly notice God's fingerprints - His touch on your heart? It's easy to see and remember the BIG things, but it is the little things that we tend to forget; His...
Posted by Debra Bosacki on 11/21/2015
No one is ever too far from God’s reach, He is right where we are standing. We get so hung up on having to be enough, but the freedom is in knowing that He is. More than...
Posted by Verna Bowman on 11/16/2015