Have you ever been invited to a dinner at someone's house? Maybe a potluck at work or church? You start thinking about what to bring. There is always someone who brings the same...
Posted by Renetta Nail on 08/28/2018
The first abuser in my life was parental. The consequence was a complete lack of self-worth. Thereafter, as I grew into adulthood, I allowed others to continue the abuse because it...
Learn to write “real life” vignettes to use during worship services to enhance the message, or for otherchurch events. Drama is a visual that impacts congregations through...
The BOOK PROPOSAL STUDIO is for writers in the process of preparing a book-length manuscript to present to agents or editors. Participants will work side by side with Kathy to create...
Posted by Kathy Bruins on 08/14/2018
The King of Kings promises incredible gifts to us: a New Identity, a Divine Nature, and a Sacred Intimacy. God invites us to relish His gifts, but we get stuck in our old identity,...
Begging the question from Luke 6:34, "And if you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you?", this lesson encourages the hearers...
Posted by Jennifer Cadamore on 07/26/2018
Where were You God? If You really love me, how could You have let this happen? Will I ever feel whole again? Painfully raw questions from a broken woman in a place...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 07/03/2018
One thing we can count on is change! But how do we adapt, and even embrace, change as it comes? One of the most requested topics for a women's conference or retreat.In this...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 06/28/2018
This fun and interactive Workshop helps participants in your organization or church to develop their own personal mission statement for life and business. The benefits of having...
Posted by Kimberly Hooper on 06/21/2018
Looking through the lens of the life of Job, we examine how Job was able to maintain a right spirit through extreme adversity. Through Job's life the questions of our own relationship...
Becoming Ewe is a popular message, and I have also written abible study that goes deeper into the aspects that are discussed. It is awoman's walk through Psalm 23, from you...
Posted by Rhonda De la Moriniere on 03/21/2018
Are you ready to venture into deeper waters in your faith journey? Join us for an inspiring session with Joanna, where we’ll explore the powerful message found in Luke 5. Just...
Posted by Joanna Fruhauf on 02/13/2018