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Posted by: Kimberly Hooper on 06/21/2018

Mission Statement Workshop

This fun and interactive Workshop helps participants in your organization or church to develop their own personal mission statement for life and business.  The benefits of having a defined Mission Statement in life provides clarity and direction for making life's most important decision for how we spend our time, who we spend our time with, and helps to bring alignment for the commitments we make. The workshop offers interactive activities for self-reflection and then a process for creating a mission statement and having a framework for decision making in their personal and/or professional life. 

Questions that will be explored are:  

  • Do you have a clear picture of where you are going?
  • Are you living with a sense of Destiny, Passion and Excitement?
  • Are your values sharp and clear in your mind?
  • Are you scheduling your priorities or are your priorities scheduling you?
  • How to prevent burnout?
  • Do you have framework for what you commit your time to?

Marching to a Mission answers questions like;

† Why do I exist?

† How is the world different because I exist?

† Where do I want to accomplish my mission?

† What are the goals that I want to achieve?

Even thinking about these questions cause excitement to realize that you can actually create a mission or guidepost for your life that would help you to stay on course to achieve great things and fulfill your God-given destiny. 

Just think – You have a DESTINY!! ...and a God-given purpose!!

I have worked with many women and organizations to help them create their Mission Statement. It takes thoughtful consideration and time to develop. Identifying what you value, the skills and experiences that you have, and how you want to mobilize your mission will help you to focus on the things that you desire to accomplish in your life to leave a lasting legacy. 

FOCUS PRODUCES VELOCITY, it’s true! If our life is not focused with a sense of intentionality we may miss the mark of God's intended purpose for our life and relationships. We will be busy but in the end may not accomplish much. When we are mission minded we have clarity and focus for the actions we need to take and the people that need to be included in that pursuit.

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