Few endeavors beat the thrill of accepting a position as a new manager. Adrenaline courses and you can’t wait to flex your managerial muscle. But how do you approach...
The Battle of the MindLife is a battle. And most of it takes place in our mind. Part of a three-part series, this talk focuses on how to face these battles biblically. Understanding...
Awaken your congregation, women of the church, and teens to draw near to God and become the somebody that makes a difference. Help your new believers grow in understanding as to what's...
Posted by Sheila Luck on 07/16/2019
When an ordinary family decides to surrender every area of their lives to the Lord, they discover a “joy that surpasses all understanding.” (Philippians 4:7) Felice...
Posted by Felice Gerwitz on 05/01/2019
This talk uses Psalm 78:2-8 and Titus 2:3-5 to emphasize the important work we have to do to hand down our faith through the example we set day to day as well as through our relationships...
Posted by Beth Bingaman on 04/04/2019
Are you ready to explore the transformative impact of Christ on our lives and the world around us? Join us for a thought-provoking session with Joanna, where we’ll dive into...
Providing facts for the home owner who desires to sell including marketing. How to get ready mentally, emotionally and physically. Helpful facts that will assist and inform...
Posted by Beverly J. Powell on 02/07/2019
Each morning, the dawn of the new day holds the promise of a royal rendezvous for us. Why? Because our Father is The King of Kings. We are The Lord's princesses.We all want to...
Bring unity to your group by understanding the cultural differences in each generation. Traverse communication stumbling blocks to better understand your differences but become...
Posted by Leslie Schonfeld on 08/22/2018
Moving in the prophetic is biblical, however, many run fast and far from it. Why is that? Why are we afraid of moving in this gift from the Holy Spirit? We can learn to embrace prophecy...
Posted by Kelly Master on 05/23/2018
Looking through the lens of the life of Job, we examine how Job was able to maintain a right spirit through extreme adversity. Through Job's life the questions of our own relationship...
God's plan for our life rarely makes sense when we first set out on our journey with Him. There are many un-foreseen twists, detours and turns that make us feel like we need to...
Posted by Shana Strange on 04/16/2018