Every believer is a slave, but to who?Cherrilynn personally struggled with this teaching until she studied it in depth. Now she knows who she serves and her focus is more on...
I recently made the comment to someone that I need my own personal assistant. Life was getting busy to say the least! A couple of days later, I thought that again. And that's when...
Posted by Brandy Hopkins on 03/06/2016
There are times in our lives when we become paralyzed to the events going on around us wondering why the Lord hasn't helped us. My dear sister, my question to you is this. Have you...
Posted by Brandy Hopkins on 03/03/2016
Have you ever had a bubble-bursting experience? Deb Potts tells about her bubbly, exciting life in Europe, and how she was able to face a tragedy after trading her bubbly life for...
Listen to Brandy share her testimony of how she survived an abusive relationship and how the Lord has restored her heart, soul, and mind. From struggling with feelings...
Posted by Brandy Hopkins on 02/23/2016
Drowning out the "Noise" of life and focusing on Jesus. Having One on One time with Him only; shutting out every distraction so we can clearly hear what He has to say to us. Just as...
Posted by Brandy Hopkins on 02/19/2016
Getting The Proper Perspective of Ourselves in God's Eye'sThrough direct scripture Tracy shows that in order to gain proper perspective of who we are and what can be done...
Posted by Tracy Lewis on 01/27/2016
Especially in our current climate of hostility and "never give an inch" mentality, surrender sounds like a dirty word. No one surrenders--we fight until the bitter end. I...
Do you ever feel like you’ve been in the same spiritual place far too long? Are you living a life that eternally impacts those around you? Do you have a deep desire for your life...
Posted by Cheri Strange on 01/07/2016
Karen has numerous presentations available for your group and will also consider tailoring a new presentation to your theme. In addition to those mentioned, consider these:Sweet...
Has the light in you gone out or is it a little dim? Do you want to shine more brightly for God? When you feel cold, sometimes distant or “out of it” spiritually, it’s...
Posted by Jessie Seneca on 12/28/2015
Comparison of the Old Testamemt tabernacle with the New Testament tabernacle ... us. Goal is for audience to desire reaching the Holy of Holies in our prayer life every time....
Posted by Kathy Bruins on 12/22/2015