The Bible says that the two matters of most your CONNECTION to God and to people. Adele takes you through scripture to show what God desires in your life and how...
Posted by Adele Morgan on 01/03/2018
Depending on the audience, this topic encourages women of all ages and marital statuses to look to the Lord for answers and encouragement in their present lives. For young never-marrieds,...
Tammy delivers her signature talk with vulnerable honesty, inviting women into her own heart and story as she explores the lies we believe when feel abandoned, unloved, and unworthy.Abandoned,...
Posted by Tammy Kennington on 01/01/2018
Do you ever feel like you and your husband greet each other at life's revolving door? Are parenting, jobs, and other priorities pushing your marriage relationship to the bottom...
Posted by Tammy Kennington on 01/01/2018
We all know what drama is -- in our circle of friends, our workplaces, our extended family, and in the unexpected circumstances of life. But you don't have to let it get the best...
Posted by Cindi McMenamin on 12/14/2017
"The Barbie Life" - In this talk, we take a look at the Shunnamite woman found in 2 Kings 4 and 8. Her life seemed so "perfect", but she had a secret...
Posted by Andrea Mercier on 11/24/2017
As believers we sometimes get so intense in our prayers for someone that we drift into worry. Lore shares her revelation of turning prayers from worry sessions into power sessions....
Posted by Lore Cottone on 11/02/2017
Hope is an amazing and powerful concept. It seems to be ever constant, yet also surprisingly illusive in our lives. Lore shares how to find real hope and how to hang onto that hope...
Posted by Lore Cottone on 11/02/2017
Lore shares her entire story of her struggle with her son’s behaviors, diagnosis’ as well as her own begging with God and wondering why He isn’t coming to the rescue....
Posted by Lore Cottone on 11/02/2017
From the foundations of the world, God called and destined women to be strong, courageous, authentic, morally righteous and full of substance. In this teaching series, Melissa...
Posted by Melissa Pearce on 10/26/2017
Churches across the board are searching for ways to stop the "leak" of our next generation leaving church after high school. Yet no new programs or special ministries seem...
Posted by Jill Richardson on 10/24/2017
Reciprocity in friendship is the glue that makes each gal feel valued and safe instead of vulnerable and used. During this session, you'll discover how to move from mediocre relationships...