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Posted by: Muriel Gladney on 11/20/2023

Mothers: God's Solution for World Peace

The importance of mothers is being challenged around the world.  Although coming from an abusive home where her mother was the abuser, Muriel brings to light how that was never God's plan. After God healed her from the devastating pain of rejection by a parent, God begin to use her to show women, mother's, their importance in God's eternal plan, In fact, from the beginning, God's word reveals that mother's are key, no essential, as the stabilizing influence in the family. Muriel captivates the audience with humor and love as she uses scripture to show that God's word is bursting at the seams with truth about the importance of women as mothers.  In a nutshell, per God's word, women are the teachers of love to the human race.  www.murielgladney.com

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