In the search for truth about God and man, Mary Jo encountered some “strange things” about the nature of our world. She uncovered the existence of two transcendentals—goodness...
http://www.murielgladney.comIf you’ve ever gone garage selling, sometimes a valuable item is so dirty it looks #worthless. But, the expert can see beyond the dirt. God...
“THEO-LOGIC: Evidence of God Conference”—Real information and tools to talk with and debate those claiming science as “disproof” of God. Available sessions...
“Equipping the Saints for Evangelism”—Information provided on the most effective ways to answer the “hard” questions asked by non-Christians, atheists...
The Samaritan woman was a type that probably identifies many women who come in from the world. He past did not matter to Jesus. She became the first evangelist for Jesus. As a former...
God promised in Isaiah 65:1, that He would come for the lost, including those that were not even looking for Him. I am one of those was not looking. Nevertheless, in 1995, God...
The existence of God as a real being; that he is the creator of all reality should have a noticeable impact in our lives. Others should see evidence of our belief and trust in a real...