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Whispers of God’s Grace

Whispers of God’s Grace

Seeking God‘s direction in our lives involves living and leading in an awareness of the Holy Spirit. As leaders we want to be led by God’s grace and extend God’s grace. Spirit promptings, the whispers of God’s Holy Spirit, are little nudges that lead us into God’s truths and His will for our lives and ministry.

“Whispers of God’s Grace” is a phrase I heard from a talk in the book of Job recently. I literally had to stop, rewind, and listen again so I could ponder the meaning and look up the entire passage.  

The text provided, Job 26:14, says, “These are just the beginning of all that He does, merely a whisper of His power. Who, then, can comprehend the thunder of His power?”

Job, who himself was in great distress, relying on God’s grace, was proclaiming God’s greatness to a “friend.” He was explaining that what God reveals to us is only a whisper, a glimpse of His power. While these are not fully comprehended by us, they are also not hidden from us. He extends His love and grace without measure, abundantly beyond anything we could ever imagine. 

In your role as a leader, how many times can you remember the Whispers of God’s Grace gently leading you or picking you back up after a fall? If you’re like me, too many to mention.  

As we lead, it’s important to receive and extend God’s grace. Psalm 103:12 says, “God has removed our sins as far as the east is from the west.” 

When we fall, or unknowingly offend in our lives or ministry, immediately we hear His whisper, gently convicting regarding any way not His. The invitation is to confess and experience the forgiveness already extended. It is by grace and humility that we receive it. 

Seeking God’s direction in ministry, and leading others from the prompting of His whispers of grace, is the best way to live.  

Be encouraged. Keep your spiritual ears open. God will direct you right back into His grace. As we saw in Job, what God reveals to us is just a portion of His greatness, but His whispers of grace are limitless. 

“But You, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and abundant in mercy and truth.” Psalm 86:15 


Sandi Pierce spends her days mentoring and encouraging women to press on. As a speaker, discipleship maker, and Bible Teacher, she leads women in all phases and stages of life, into deep, essential, Biblical truths, so they will be equipped to step up and step out in faith to share Christ. Learn more at Before the Bench Women’s Ministry at www.Beforethebench.org or www.WomenSpeakers.com

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