Step Into Your True Value In Christ

No matter what you’ve been through, you must see yourself the way God sees you. Stop questioning your worth – whether you’ve made too many mistakes, or whether you feel you “deserve it.” A human cannot determine another human’s worthiness. It’s not based on what you’ve done but on what God did. You’re not more worthy based on your accomplishments, or less worthy based on your failures. “…you also are complete through your union with Christ…” (Colossians 2:10 NLT). So, whether you feel worthy is irrelevant. There’s nothing you can do to make yourself worthy that He has not already done for you.
Give Jesus Gifts All Year Long

I like to deepen my relationship with God by giving gifts to Jesus at Christmas and continue the gift throughout the year. I ask Him what He wants from me and listen. Often it is something He has already been nudging me toward. During a celebration of commitment we call, "Jesus Gifts Time," family members share what we each give to Him. Most of my gifts put God first in how I view the world, like the year He asked me to see my beauty. That year I learned to see myself as He sees me, not through my own eyes.
Start with Jesus

I deepened my relationship with God the day I started trusting Him with not just my eternal life, but with my everyday life, as well. I do this in three daily steps: 1) Telling Him first! I tell Jesus all that is on my mind and heart, and thus reinforce to Him (and me) that He’s the most important love in my life; 2) Taking Him seriously by discovering in His Word what He loves and clinging to it and avoiding what breaks His heart; and 3) Trusting Him fully by reminding myself no matter what happens, nothing comes between the two of us.
Schedule Time to Draw Near

James 4:8 says, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." It's hard to believe that it's that easy, especially in a world full of distractions. So I've started putting His time on my calendar. He needs to know that He is a priority, that I love Him and want to spend time with Him. So I write it down, clear my schedule, and then show up. It takes one step forward if you want to deepen your relationship. Make time for Him and draw near. He will draw near to you!