There are 4 uncomplicated ways to build CONFIDENCE in yourself shared in this book. Behavioral psychology and intentional actions is one key ingredient to follow the path to progression. ...
This book discusses several ways to build your belief in yourself. Self-image is the determining factor in your success in every area of life. Life is a journey and a culture of progression, it is your decision. ...
Captivating and eye opening, this short study equips the reader with confidence in who she is and who she was created to be. Young women today struggle with self-image in almost every area of life. Through real, relatable stories and scriptures to strengthen confidence, this 14-day study is great to do alone or in a small group setting. ...
Kristin Clouse, a sexual abuse survivor, shares her story, and her professional experience as a licensed mental health counselor, to walk with women through the healing and restoration process. Includes study questions, moments of reflection, and creative activities. For use by individuals, counselors, or in a small group setting. Size – 8.5 x 11 Workbook size gives plenty of space within the book to complete study questions and activities. One out of three to four women is sexually abused within her lifetime. Though we are all created to flourish and grow, sexual abuse leaves us broken,...
You can get to the other side of guilt and shame, just walk through the door of abortion recovery. These are Alabama numbers but they are in every state so look up whatever state you are in. You can contact anyone below and they can help guide you to who you need to get to in your area. Welcome to Abortion Recovery Alabama The choice is liberating. Choice empowers us. And according to the U.S. Supreme Court, women have the right to choose. Is the abortion choice the same for women as the right to vote and the right to free speech? Is abortion a good choice for our mind and soul? ...
Get ready to overcome discontent and comparison and learn to live fully as the beautiful unique creation God designed you to be! "For Christian women struggling with body and beauty issues, Barb Roose says what we need to hear with humor and intelligence as she applies the truth of God's Word to the cultural challenges we face." -Sandra D. Bricker, author of Live-Out-Loud Fiction, including the Jessie Stanton series. Buy now by clicking here. clicking here. Other Beautiful Already Resources available: Leader guide, 6-week DVD and participant guide. ...