Need a little encouragement to keep going? Wanting to rekindle your desire to say Yes to God? Would reminders from God's Word with a dash of lighthearted humor help ? Let's go! Kindle and paperback! God is good, and life can still be hard. Sometimes we need a boost—an infusion of encouragement—to reset our hearts and begin again. The words in this collection of warm, from-the-heart letters will help you rediscover how rich and fulfilling your daily life can be. God has good things planned for you—start anticipating them! You can stop waiting for life to show...
Posted by Gaye Lindfors on 03/06/2025
What's really keeping you from enjoying a better marriage? ""If my husband would change, I'd be happy"" and ""I'm falling out of love with him"" are among several common myths that lead women to search for marital happiness in all the wrong places. In this author Rhonda Stoppe shares, with candor and humor how to enrich your relationship with your husband (even if he doesn't change). Along the way you'll read many helpful stories and real-life examples from other couples and discover: - how to deal with unfulfilled longings -...
JOY RIDE is not your average faith based book. Yvonne shares fourteen complete lessons given at Day of Joy Women’s Conferences nationally. In her refreshing collection of hilarious and inspirational lessons, she talks about situations that we all deal with as Christians but seldom talk about; spiritual, physical, and psychological roadblocks that stand between us and being joyful Christ followers. She explores the obstacles that steal our joy and offers away to reclaim happiness and joy in Christ. The pages are filled with her personal stories of how the Holy Spirit has changed her...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 01/09/2025
Yvette uses storytelling to empower and authorize women to tap into JOY in their life by choosing spiritual over situational happiness. Watch this video and sign up for a free speaker resource. ...
Posted by Yvette Walker on 08/16/2024
Award-winning and heralded as “a book that can strengthen the spirit of its reader and transform or even save lives,” Move Forward Stronger is like a friend when we’re in need, the therapist we’re hesitant to call, and the inner voice we’ve been listening for...telling us: “You can feel happiness again.” Something happened. The death of someone you love. A suicide, divorce or loss of a close relationship, job, career, or business. A negative change in your financial picture. A medical diagnosis or tragic accident. A physical...
Posted by Julia Nicholson on 02/19/2024
How would you like to do away with the pitfalls of marriage and discover the secret formula that turns your differences into appreciation, attraction, and a brand-new partnership? Start here. The Relationship Transformer, Connie Durham ...
Posted by Connie Durham on 08/18/2023
Paperback Mary and Samantha had different situations that hurt them, but both women chose to run to a place of escape; escape from reality. Samantha ran to Nowhere Land when life got too much. It was a place where the beach she lived on was empty. Life hurt too much and all she wanted was to be alone. Mary also ran to escape the pain of life; it hurt too much and she did not want life any longer. She ran to a place on the beach void of people she called alone space. Will they learn to trust? Will they find true peace and happiness? Most importantly, will they see and accept God’s...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 06/22/2023
“I love this book! I love how it gives readers permission to release any pressure to be ‘right.’ It frees us to enjoy the journey of learning and discovering!” Laura Diehl, Author, Co-Owner of GPS Growth Vision Experience this new self help book with the included workbook for men and women, providing perspective transformation and spiritual growth based on freedom, authenticity, and love. Experience “aha” breakthroughs as you: Tackle the topics of time, money and love through a spiritual lens that validates your authentic self.Compare religions without...
Posted by Marnie Swedberg on 05/18/2023
Tru sted Leader Show In this episode, David sits down with Kendra Dodd, Presenter, Coach, and Consultant, to discuss how leaders can create an environment of belonging. Show notes: Kendra's Bio: Kendra has devoted her life to creating environments of belonging, inclusiveness, and progression. She has spent over half her life speaking and encouraging others. She is a sought-after presenter, coach, and consultant regarding process improvements, culture dynamics, and personal improvement. Kendra understands the importance of development and has a passion for continuous...
Posted by Kendra Q. Dodd on 03/20/2023
Weary and exhausted? Discover how to embrace rest, set boundaries, and seek sanctuary without any guilt, shame, or fear. Experience energy, happiness, and creativity for your life and relationships. *Discover the relationship between trust and rest *How rest positions you for God's best *Actionable ways to incorporate rest in the middle of a busy schedule This self-care session was part of The Best Your 2022 event. ...
Posted by Saundra Dalton-Smith on 01/21/2022
Many people have accepted below average lifestyle and settled. They don’t know they can be healed or simply don’t know what to do or how to begin. In this book Quite Talks With God book and the workbook, Fearless and Brave, Soul Searching Journal, I have shared what I learned on my journey about overcoming fear and embracing the best life God has for my life. And even though your journey won’t be exactly like mine, I hope my story can inspire you and be a guiding light as you step out onto your path of progress toward wholeness. Ruth’s...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 05/25/2021
Life is always throwing challenges at us. It's too big a force, no one is immune, and trusting God is what works. Mother Theresa said, "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much." Whether you are rich or poor, busy or bored, learn how to tap into God's presence for happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction and success. Order your copy today! The expression "Where He leads me," is not something to which I just pay lip service. It is, in fact, exactly how I live my life, on a daily basis. So far,...
Posted by Deb Copeland on 08/20/2019