Maybe you find yourself in a desperate place. Maybe these devotions can help you stir up a determination to reach out and touch the robe of Jesus. Maybe your deliverance is just around the corner. Blue Tassels contains 45 short meditations on 9 personal qualities of Jesus that an unnamed woman experienced in the course of being healed from her 12-year battle with a medical condition that cut her off from society. Five days a week, for nine weeks, the reader will be led through stories and thoughts about compassion, hope, strength, comfort, relationship, love, forgiveness,...
Posted by Debbie Roth on 07/05/2024
Are you struggling to put all the pieces together? If you are an intelligent, authentic, compassionate, creative, heart-centered, female medical professional (MD, DO, ND, DC, PA, DAc, NP, RN, APRN, resident or medical student) planning your launch into private practice, I’ve been where you are. I understand the doubt, fears, and struggle required to transform your medical practice. Perhaps you’ve taken a leap of faith and started to build your dream. Maybe you’ve already invested a lot of time, money and energy (not to mention blood, sweat and tears!) to get it off the ground....
Posted by Cynthia Libert, M.D. on 08/18/2023
Jeremy was full of life and laughter as a child. Then, suddenly, darkness invaded his life without warning. The darkness came from someone he looked up to and stole the joy from his heart. It was one thing after another, and his joy was replaced with despair, and his will to live was gone. Darkness and drugs are the life he knows now and prison awaits. Will he find life, love, and the healing which can only come from Jesus Christ? Will he see the light? Will he know the light, and will he let the light of Jesus in and restore what was lost? ...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 03/17/2020
Prepare yourself for the journey of a lifetime, because you are being positioned to encounter the presence of God in your personal quiet time. In the Old Testament before the Israelites crossed the Jordan River into their Promised Land, the Lord told Joshua to take 12 stones from the middle of the very waters that were separating them from their freedom. The people were to erect a memorial with these large boulders. The Lord explained to Joshua that these stones would cause people to ask what they were, and give opportunity to tell future generations how the God of Israel delivered them from slavery...
Posted by Beth Kinder on 08/22/2016
Author and former victim of domestic violence provides factual information about the realities of domestic violence, the help victims need and how to provide that help along with an appendix of available resources. The author also includes her personal testimony of her experience with domestic violence and how God healed and delivered her from the devastating after-effects of a fourteen-year-long abusive marriage to become a published author. ...