Some days you eat salads and go to the gym; some days you eat cupcakes and refuse to put on pants.It’s called balance.This is only some of the extraordinary wisdom that Sheila L. Llewellyn, author of Submission is NOT a Four - Letter Word and from Self - Esteem to God - esteem, is going to share with you. Sheila finds herself aging quite ungracefully and she wants to take you along for the ride! From laughter at exploding green juice to crying over a child's addiction, you will join her on the trip up hills of marriage and down valleys of in-laws to uncover the secrets to living ordinary...
Posted by Sheila Llewellyn on 11/01/2024
In 2009 the agonizing sobs of a heartbroken Mom filled the air. She reached her hands up to God and cried, "Where did I go wrong?" This Mom had just faced the reality that her daughter was a heroin addict. Responding to the call from God to take her own painful experiences and share them with others who know the pain of having addicted loved ones is why Prayers for Prodigals was written. You are in this book. Your experience is in this book. And your answer to going on with life is in this book. ...
Posted by Sheila Llewellyn on 11/01/2024
Does Your Life Bite? Does it seem like your prayers never get answered? Are you wondering where God is in all this? It's like you've gone to war in a flypaper dress, trying to catch each buzzing pest: those swarming problems that keep you from living the full life God has for you. Katherine tackles modern day problems we deal with using the 10 plagues of the Bible and other modern day plagues we deal with now, like thoughts of divorce, obesity, fear, suicide, AIDS, domestic violence, broken hearts, etc. Whether it be physical ailments or broken spirits from bad relationships to...
Posted by Katherine Norland on 04/09/2024
Digital addiction is a very real threat. Find freedom today and get addiction treatment for video game addiction, technology addiction, cell phone addiction, internet addiction, and social media addiction with this powerful book! Do you find yourself struggling to break free from TV, video game addiction, or social media? Do you wish you didn’t waste so much time online? Does your family suffer because of time that you are “away” from them, even if you are in the same room? Do you need help managing your family time? Do you need addiction treatment to break free from Internet...
Posted by Lora Ziebro on 01/11/2024
When Carole Leathem’s husband, Bill, first began his battle with anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts, she had no idea years of rejection and identity issues would come to a head. After all, when you’re the wife of a senior pastor, there are certain expectations that come with it. Imperfection and mental illness are not among them. Managing depression in marriage and setting relationship boundaries brought pain, uncertainty, and rejection, which were nearly unbearable. Whenever Carole surrendered to God, he showed up time and time again. As Carole searched...
Posted by Carole Leathem on 12/31/2023
It's time to stop running on empty and fuel up! Are your tired? Dragging yourself out of bed every morning? Feeling hollow, empty and looking for something to fill you up? Are you like millions of women today…feeling like you’re just running on empty? What are you being refueled by? Television, movies, sex, gossip, the cyber world; fantasy, food, vanity, alcohol, money? Many women today, are Running On E ', using anything and everything they can to try to fill themselves up just to get through another day. The use of quick-fix filthy fuels is causing damage, addiction and...
Posted by Karen McCracken on 10/06/2023
In this lively interview, Marnie Swedberg asks Maribeth about her 4 ways to renew your mind after loss and how to train your brain to gain an eternal perspective. Maribeth also touches on other topics such as child loss, addiction in the family, how to talk to children about adversity, and how to strengthen your gratitude muscles. She ties it all together with her three hacks for supersizing your hope. ...
Posted by Maribeth Ditmars on 09/16/2023
Get to know what your audience will receive from Sue. CLICK HERE and scroll to bottom of page. ...
Posted by Sue L. Hamilton on 08/11/2023
In this ten-minute video, Maribeth shares her faith journey through the separate losses of two of her children, one at the age of 14, and the other at the age of 21. She also speaks of her alcoholism and how Christ freed her. ...
Posted by Maribeth Ditmars on 08/11/2023
“I love this book! I love how it gives readers permission to release any pressure to be ‘right.’ It frees us to enjoy the journey of learning and discovering!” Laura Diehl, Author, Co-Owner of GPS Growth Vision Experience this new self help book with the included workbook for men and women, providing perspective transformation and spiritual growth based on freedom, authenticity, and love. Experience “aha” breakthroughs as you: Tackle the topics of time, money and love through a spiritual lens that validates your authentic self.Compare religions without...
Posted by Marnie Swedberg on 05/18/2023
They Call It Love - Family Dynamics of Codependency by Evelyn Leite Part 1 ...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 11/14/2022
Evelyn Leite, MHR, LPC, is a survivor of abuse, anxiety and depression who is now 41 years sober with 28 years of experience in the addiction and mental health fields. During this interview with host, Marnie Swedberg, she shares openly and with purpose about: Living through depression, brain fog and confusionHow surrendering to God’s love changes everythingWhy wounded women compartmentalize (and how to help them ??become whole??)Helping women see they are OK (that the "stuff" simply is not theirs)The soul-destroying habit of self-blame and how to help your women finally...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 11/02/2022