The word "Fear Not" appears 365 times in the Bible. This means that every day in a year, you can take one pill of "Fear Not" knowing and trusting that God is with you always because it's His promise to you and He is a good Father. These eight (8) ways will help you to live a fearless life. You can be fearless and brave when you put your hope and trust in God! Fear and anxiety can last for a short time and then pass, but they can also last much longer and you can get stuck with them. In some cases they can take over your life, affecting your ability to eat,...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 06/01/2021
"When Kim de Blecourt and her husband decided to adopt a child from Ukraine, they knew that the process might be challenging. Nothing, however, could have prepared de Blecourt for the twisted nightmare she would endure. During her year-long struggle to extricate her newly adopted little boy from that post-Soviet country's corrupt social service and judicial systems, de Blecourt was intimidated, physically assaulted, and arrested. Worse, her months of loneliness, worry, and fear drove her to the brink of spiritual despair. But God had no intention of abandoning de Blecourt or her family....
Posted by Kim de Blecourt on 05/27/2021
Many people have accepted below average lifestyle and settled. They don’t know they can be healed or simply don’t know what to do or how to begin. In this book Quite Talks With God book and the workbook, Fearless and Brave, Soul Searching Journal, I have shared what I learned on my journey about overcoming fear and embracing the best life God has for my life. And even though your journey won’t be exactly like mine, I hope my story can inspire you and be a guiding light as you step out onto your path of progress toward wholeness. Ruth’s...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 05/25/2021
In Discover to Recover, Mycel reveals how you can identify your potential by changing your mind-set. Finding something you did not know and acting on what you find, changes your life forever, that’s discovering. You will understand the importance of renewing your mind and how the life you live now is connected to the way you think. You will discover how to line up your thoughts with God’s word to defeat the enemy and win the battle of your mind to identify your potential....
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 05/18/2021
Balanced Leadership Rest for the Weary Leader. During this hour with Marnie and guest, Verna Bowman, you’ll discover: Why leaders are especially vulnerable to imbalance. (striving to measure up and keep up no matter what is going on in our personal lives)The difference between being busy vs. being weighed down.What to do when the weight of trials and challenges collide with leadership.How to appropriate Jesus’ promise in Matthew 11:28. Come – all who are weary and wounded from the current stress Yoke – yoking together...
Posted by Verna Bowman on 04/08/2021
Dearly Beloved is a study on intimacy with God revealing our need, God’s love, and how we participate in His redemptive plan. There are discussion questions for each chapter at the end of both studies. ...
Posted by Kathy Schwanke on 02/22/2021
The initial shock of the storm front has passed over you, but the wind is still strong and your strength is being tested. You anchor yourself to the strongest thing around: the promises of God. The CD includes original and cover songs recorded at Sweetwater Studio, Fort Wayne, IN ...
Posted by Debbie Roth on 01/18/2021
Within “Dancing with Lewy”, readers meet two individuals, Lee and Nancy. Lee was born into a large farming family just before the Great Depression. He was a World War II Veteran, self-made businessman, artist, poet, and a man who would give a stranger his last nickel. Lee’s third daughter, Nancy, is practical, organized, pragmatic, a writer, and equals her father in a passion for life. Nancy was determined to take the helm when Lee’s mind began “dancing” with Lewy body dementia even though he resolved to remain independent while his mind slipped away. Within...
Posted by Nancy Poland on 12/05/2020
Kristin Clouse, a sexual abuse survivor, shares her story, and her professional experience as a licensed mental health counselor, to walk with women through the healing and restoration process. Includes study questions, moments of reflection, and creative activities. For use by individuals, counselors, or in a small group setting. Size – 8.5 x 11 Workbook size gives plenty of space within the book to complete study questions and activities. One out of three to four women is sexually abused within her lifetime. Though we are all created to flourish and grow, sexual abuse leaves us broken,...
Posted by Kristin Clouse on 05/07/2020
Have you ever shied away from doing hospitality because you thought: ‘What will we talk about? Or you wonder, “What if no one talks – it will be so awkward?!” Then this is what you’ve been waiting for: Say Something Special: 202 Conversation Starters – The Ultimate Guide to Stimulating Table Talk – It provides 202 prompts to get the conversation flowing and the friendships growing. Each of the fifteen categories will inspire you to do hospitality with joy, purpose, and ease. When you know your guests are going to have fun and make friends, you...
Posted by Sue Donaldson on 02/27/2020
Rhonda Noordyk, CFEI | The Women’s Financial Wellness Center|8/3/2018 Going through divorce is a very powerful experience that shapes our characters. It is a time when we are tested to the core, challenged, and prepared for something greater. But divorce does not define us. Divorce is an event that we go through in life. Today’s guest is Dori Pulse, the founder of Girl for God Ministries and author of Everything Changed When I Said 'I Do'. She has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Theology, is a part of a step family for almost 20 years, facilitates divorce care...
Posted by Dori Pulse on 02/13/2020
35 daily devotionals/7 week study on the Woman at the Well. The only world she knew was a world of broken promises, hidden agendas, and disappointments. Her heart was broken in pieces. Her struggle, though, wasn’t against memories. Her real adversary was the “enemy of her soul,” who had stolen from her, lied to her, and tried to destroy her life. He had to be overcome. The tables, though, were about to be turned. She was going to be changed from the inside out. By God’s gracious power, she would be given a purpose and stop being a victim. Instead, she was about to become...
Posted by Deborah Lovett on 09/23/2019