Balanced Leadership Rest for the Weary Leader. During this hour with Marnie and guest, Verna Bowman, you’ll discover:
Why leaders are especially vulnerable to imbalance. (striving to measure up and keep up no matter what is going on in our personal lives)
The difference between being busy vs. being weighed down.
What to do when the weight of trials and challenges collide with leadership.
How to appropriate Jesus’ promise in Matthew 11:28.
Come – all who are weary and wounded from the current stress
Yoke – yoking together with Jesus is the leader’s freedom and strength
Learn – by following the example of how Jesus served and rested
Rest - allows us to be engaged and effective as we lead well
Verna Bowman is a writer, speaker, and blogger who shares her own story, with transparency and practical truth, to encourage and inspire women to wholeness found throughout the riches of Scripture and within their personal stories. Learn more at Invite Verna to speak via