Look great, spend less, and work on who you are both inside and out! America’s inspirational image consultant is giving you her professional tricks and fashion tips to help you look Simply Stylish . Discover: The “OOH” Wardrobe Game ChangerHow to Shop and Get the Best Deals Anywhere Style Advice for Every Body TypeYour Best Colors for Clothes and Makeup100 Tips to Downsize Your Closet and Upscale Your StyleThe Top 10 ‘What to Wear’ and ‘What NOT to Wear’The Best Clothing Brands for Your Style10 Tips to Look 10 Pounds Thinner and 10...
Posted by Jill Swanson on 12/06/2018
While there is a need for in-depth Bible study, there is also beauty found in simplicity. It is with this in mind that Ladybug Women's Ministries has created the Triple E Bible Study method. In the pages of this journal, you will find prompts for suggested Scriptures and blank pages for you to choose your own verses. As you examine the Scripture, read it, and consider it, you will be asked how the verse you’ve chosen encourages you, equips you, and empowers you. Trusting God is available on Amazon . ...
Posted by Lori Hartin on 11/15/2018
Have you attended one of Lori's Art of Prayer workshops? You can take a piece of it home with you! The Art of Prayer: Healing and the Art of Prayer: Fall Into His Grace coloring journals are available on Amazon! In these pages, you will find comforting Scripture to color, and then areas where you can journal or draw prayers as you consider the Scriptures you read. There are no rules or guidelines, no right or wrong way to do this. Simply choose an art medium you like to work with—colored pencils, crayons, markers—and open this book. This way of praying is for the...
Posted by Lori Hartin on 11/15/2018
A collection of stories from thirty women speakers that range from overcoming adversity to graceful aging. My chapter is based on my own story of overcoming lives challenges to glorify God. My chapter found on page thirty-three is entitled Relentless and is a brief snapshot of my story and my talk by the same title. Be relentless! Never give up! No matter what hardships you may face, dig deep within yourself and find the strength and courage to continue. Often relentlessness can be thought of as a negative; however, I think of relentlessness as a positive. It’s the quality of being tenacious,...
Posted by Elizabeth Clamon on 10/19/2018
“Karen Porter’s fresh approach and real-life stories communicate God’s truth in a fun and relevant way. Get this book today and find God’s victory for you.” —Andrea Booth, Author, Women’s Ministry Leader. Andrea and her husband Garrett Booth pastor Grace Church, Houston **** Discover the secrets to overcoming giants from a few obscure verses in the Old Testament. Four giants and four mighty warriors are named. The surprise is in the meanings of their names. The secrets to slaying the giants are found in the meanings of the names of the warrior...
Posted by Karen Porter on 09/27/2018
Farm Days is a collection of stories and adventures of a Midwestern family farm in the 20th Century. It’s a remembrance of a simpler time without distractions of satellite television, personal computers, and cell phones. It’s a reflection of a time when working together as a family was essential for accomplishing a day’s work, yet experiencing adventures together was commonplace. As you turn the pages of Farm Days, you’ll breathe in the sweet smell of freshly-baled hay, glide across an icy pond, cry as favorite pets die, feel the rush of the wind as you soar from...
Posted by Susan Lawrence on 09/24/2018
Motherhood comes with a bombardment of emotions. Some are positive; others aren’t. Most are overwhelming at times. You’re not alone. People have children every day. Many have only the slightest idea what they’re doing. But they know one thing: they want to do their best. You want to do your best. To provide for your children and love them with everything you have. To not let them down. To not make the same mistakes your mom made, to be the kind of mom your mom was to you, or some combination of the two. The anticipation and possibilities for your child and yourself as...
Posted by Susan Lawrence on 09/24/2018
Love God. Love others. More and More. When we seek God, we know God, because He is love. Over the next 90 days, we’ll unveil love together. We’ll take a journey through Scripture to highlight what God says about love. We’ll explore how we distort it, and we’ll receive God’s encouragement to see love the way God intends. As we seek and yield, we’ll grow in our relationships with God and each other, because as God fills us with His love, we will overflow with it. He provides abundantly. Each day begins with the key Scripture and is followed by...
Posted by Susan Lawrence on 09/24/2018
Submission: We’d rather avoid or abuse it than embrace it. Maybe we get it wrong. Submission has become one of those words (and concept) we’d rather avoid. It brings up stories and experiences of mistreatment, disrespect, and abuse of power. The concept has been hijacked by authority who have only their own interests in mind and want everyone else to do it “my way.” We live in a culture and time of applauding “my way”—unless it bumps into our own way. Or, we try to generalize what submission means, isolating Scripture to support our assumptions...
Posted by Susan Lawrence on 09/24/2018
Faith isn’t just believing. It’s knowing. We don’t have to be certain about everything in order to be certain in faith. Certainty of faith is certainty of and in God. It’s saying, “I know God” even when I don’t know the answer. It’s replacing our search for answers with a search for the personal God who wants a relationship with us so he can progressively reveal himself to us. Certainty of faith is replacing the “what ifs” with the “who is.” Perhaps you’re not certain about God. You believe you hold the certainties...
Posted by Susan Lawrence on 09/24/2018
There is a time for everything, and everything on earth has its special season. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) We have favorite seasons of nature, but what about spiritual seasons? You might have a favorite spiritual season, but you cannot live in it every moment of your life. You can choose to sit and pout about it, or you can use the time given to you, learning the lessons and growing the way God purposes. Every season combines with other seasons to complete a person’s life and purpose on earth. Growth is only possible because of the combination of seasons. We think we can handle our experiences—past,...
Posted by Susan Lawrence on 09/24/2018
Emotions saturate Scripture. God is an emotional God—not in the same way we talk about an emotional woman or emotional person. But God is certainly aware of the runaway emotions we’re referring to when we put a negative spin on emotions. We can’t escape God’s presence. That means he sees and hears alongside us, including our (often messy) emotions. If we let him, God will replace those untruthful messages we’ve learned about emotions along the journey of life with the truthful messages reflecting his character, will, and commands. God didn’t mess up his design...
Posted by Susan Lawrence on 09/24/2018