It’s not easy to rebuild yourself after a divorce, but you are stronger than you think with God even if you don’t believe it yet! This resource will give you seven practical steps, plus journal prompts and scriptures to help you build a life you LOVE. ...
Posted by April Nowlin on 06/06/2022
JOY is about choice and making a way. GOD’S WAY. In my FREE booklet and Scripture journal, “Bigger Better Faith: 5 Ways to Choose Joy & Find Time To Talk To God Every Day,” I help you create time and space to do just that. ...
Posted by Yvette Walker on 04/18/2022
We talk to God. Sometimes. But we really don't expect a response. Neither do we look for him in everyday situations. Yvette does, and she tells of her simple but poignant life lessons with God in the car, at home, at church, and even going to the post office! This book of devotions allows you to look at your assumptions and spend time with God with scripture in three popular translations (ESV, NIV and the NBLA in Spanish). Follow prayers and exercises to still yourself and come into His presence as you enter into conversation with the Lord. Yvette Walker's testimony drives this book:...
Posted by Yvette Walker on 04/18/2022
Beyond the Hidden Veil of Shame You will find God's message of forgiveness, grace and redemption within the pages of this book. It's a workbook to help you find you own settled and peaceful heart. Workbook ...
Posted by Kay Hall on 02/28/2022
As precious as they are, pearls don’t come easy. They take years to develop, and they start with a tiny grain of sand—an irritant. Something that doesn’t belong. Something painful and unwanted. Something you wouldn’t wish on anyone. Yet, over time, that grain of sand is transformed into something new. Something beautiful and priceless. Something you wouldn’t trade for anything. The “Pearls of Wisdom” in this book were born out of pain and hurt, both physical and emotional. Yet God took that pain and breathed purpose into it. Perhaps you’re wondering...
Posted by Shana Grooms on 02/21/2022
Life can be messy. Life can be difficult. Life can be painful. It's part of being human. Experiencing the struggles in life, in a way, reminds us we are alive. Yet through these struggles and often times pain, we can find beauty once again. For God is able to take our deepest disappointment and use it for His greatest good. The "Pearls of Wisdom" in this book were born out of pain and hurt, both physical and emotional. There were questions, doubts, and many tears. There was also restoration, healing, and a new understanding of God's grace. Whether you are currently enduring...
Posted by Shana Grooms on 02/21/2022
At a time of year where we feel we "should " feel joyful, the extra stress and responsibilities of the holidays, loss of loved ones and more, can cause this to be a real struggle. Add to this the challenges we've faced in the last 2 years with COVID-19, and joy can be hard to find. At the BCC Women's Christmas Brunch, Ammie shared her own experiences in a way that allowed many to relate to her journey. She reminded us where our true joy comes from. Ammie provided encouragement and reminders from scripture that allowed the ladies attending to leave the event feeling lighter and...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022
Do you fight that internal voice of self-doubt? Peg will equip you with seven spiritual paths and practices to help you embrace your circumstances, find purpose and experience joy. 7 scripture-based paths and practices for embracing your design How to fight the voice of comparison and self-doubt Practical ways to remember God's words of encouragement Peg Arnold is a speaker, author, and counselor with a passion for encouraging others to find their value in Christ. Her empowering messages are fueled by her personal experiences and faith in God. contact her at Get...
Posted by Peg Arnold on 01/25/2022
Are you tired of wrestling with the performance mentality? You were never meant to strive to survive. Embrace a fresh perspective of how God desires for you to flourish. Discover how your perception of God impacts everything Discover how your perception of yourself can derail you Discover how your thoughts can be challenged for good An ordained minister, Melissa Pearce, mentors women to understand the power they have when they embrace their identity in Christ, which is not based upon what they do, but on their Who. Don't forget to grab your free gift! ...
Posted by Melissa Pearce on 01/23/2022
Weary and exhausted? Discover how to embrace rest, set boundaries, and seek sanctuary without any guilt, shame, or fear. Experience energy, happiness, and creativity for your life and relationships. *Discover the relationship between trust and rest *How rest positions you for God's best *Actionable ways to incorporate rest in the middle of a busy schedule This self-care session was part of The Best Your 2022 event. ...
Posted by Saundra Dalton-Smith on 01/21/2022
Captivating and eye opening, this short study equips the reader with confidence in who she is and who she was created to be. Young women today struggle with self-image in almost every area of life. Through real, relatable stories and scriptures to strengthen confidence, this 14-day study is great to do alone or in a small group setting. ...
Posted by Misty Fitch on 11/05/2021
Surrender your life in all its dimensions to the Master Designer and prepare to be amazed at all He has in store for you! Before any significant makeover can occur, some demolition is usually needed. The old and unnecessary must be torn down before they can be replaced with the new and improved renovations. That is how God usually works in our lives as well. We must be willing to stand before the Master Designer and surrender all the “stuff” that is standing in the way of our remodel. Known for her authenticity and transparency, Danna touches women by her willingness to go deep...
Posted by Danna Demetre on 10/18/2021