Whispers of Grace Weekly Videos are videos that I am putting out weekly to encourage God's precious people with a fresh, new word based on what I believe He is impressing upon my heart in my prayer time to share with them. Just as with my Whispers of Grace Devotional, the premise for these videos are as follows: I believe that there are people hurting or that just need to hear a tender word from our Father. I also believe that God LOVES His children. And lastly, I believe with all my heart that He really WANTS TO SPEAK words of comfort, encouragement, and faith to them to encourage...
Posted by Wendy Hunt on 03/29/2023
Mom’s Secret Strength is a comprehensive guide to help mothers pray for their children before and after birth. God’s love and your love can shepherd them through every stage in their life, from infancy to adulthood. I have three children of my own, two young adults and one teenager. God has been central to our home and has helped my husband and me in bringing them up, even when life has taken me to a different country to seek a better life for my family. I want to share what has helped me as a mother to maintain my home and introduce our children to God. Together we will...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 02/28/2023
The 42 Days Of Prayer is a wonderful focused prayer event. This event provides a daily scripture, story, HOPE Challenge, crafts for children, and a 6-week sermon series starter package. At this time, we have this event in 2 languages English and Spanish. More languages will be added so check back! ...
Posted by Jill Evans on 02/14/2023
Just Fine, Thank You. (Book 1) Evelyn Leite’s true story of growing up in a turbulent family during the 40s and 50s captivates us with feelings like confusion, despair, sorrow and fear, plus unexplainable hope and optimism. Amidst loving her daddy, feeling anxious, yet enjoying big-family gatherings, Leite’s life from age five included neglect, a pedophiliac hired man, mind rape and more. Dance Like There's No Tomorrow (Book 2) Evelyn’s story continues near a cowboy town where she is exposed to multitudes of buff construction workers, fueled with the exuberance...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
“I know what it is to feel powerless in the face of oppression and feel as if there is no way out.” Evelyn Leite This interview addresses how change is difficult for most of us. Leite shares that this is especially true when life, like hers, was full of crisis, unpredictability and a home filled with intense difficulty, trouble and danger. Discover how Evelyn rose out of anxiety, depression and alcoholism in the family, including an abusive husband, to find hope and stability in God. “The greatest challenge for all of us is to learn how to protect ourselves...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
Mental health is a pressing social concern in America. The symptoms, when untreated, destroy lives, tear families apart, and leave our children with deep emotional scars. Abuse, addiction, depression, divorce, and debt are just a few of the outcomes stemming from psychological problems and the inability to maintain stable relationships. Author and counselor Evelyn Leite is the founder of Living with Solutions and A Center for Training and Restoration. Evelyn has 25 years of experience in the addiction and mental health fields. She is highly regarded for her seminars in multicultural...
Posted by Evelyn Leite on 09/26/2022
What woman hasn’t looked in the mirror and wondered who was staring back at her? Or marveled at how grown up her children look? Or puzzled at how her friends are aging prematurely? I'm Too Young to Be This Old (with over 150,000 copies sold) shows women how to face their changing lives with a spirit of fun and fearlessness. Poppy Smith leads readers through both the lighter side of midlife and the deeper issues that concern them, including wondering if the best of life is overfacing changes in health and appearancemaintaining healthy relationships with adult childrencaring for...
Posted by Poppy Smith on 08/14/2022
An eight minute chat video done in 2020 addressing lessons from the Divorce Care class I was facilitating. Thoughts on responding versus reacting to emotional challenges such as anger. One hour presentation with Q & A. ...
Posted by Dori Pulse on 07/13/2022
Enjoy this full-hour sample of my teaching with a thirty-minute lesson, fifteen-minute Q & A, and testimony. Gain confidence in your relationship with God by learning the ways He communicates with his children and how He specifically communicates with you. ...
There are moments in time we will never forget. These moments are not only forever in our hearts and minds, but they help build who we are and take us places where we will long to return. This rhythmic children’s story will delight readers young and old. It will inspire memories to surface from days gone by and encourage new ones to be made. Take a trip to the sea and the sand. ...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022
Family. It’s where we learn about relationships, communication, boundaries, and love. It is our first look into our identity and who we are, and who we’ll grow to be. This delicate, living inception from God knows no demographic boundary, blood type, or specific gene. It can consist of any combination of parents and children, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and even close friends. Deep Roots is designed to set aside time once a week to intentionally meet, read together, and discuss God’s truth as a family. My prayer is that you will grow stronger, not only as a family...
Posted by Ammie Bouwman on 02/21/2022
Discover the hopes and plans God has for your life—ones filled with purpose and impact—and not only as a Mom but as His beloved and precious daughter. Imagine: Releasing lies that hold you back and waking up with the confidence to mother without guilt or shame.Finding your best friend, the One who helps you find your heart's desires.Discovering your purpose as Mom and as daughter of the King.Being filled and led with joy, peace, love, hope, and grace.Taking care of your whole self and igniting deep connection with and faith in your children. Going through The S.O.A.R. Method Coaching...
Posted by Natalie Dawn Hanson on 02/08/2022