Evelyn Leite’s true story of growing up in a turbulent family during the 40s and 50s captivates us with feelings like confusion, despair, sorrow and fear, plus unexplainable hope and optimism. Amidst loving her daddy, feeling anxious, yet enjoying big-family gatherings, Leite’s life from age five included neglect, a pedophiliac hired man, mind rape and more.
Dance Like There's No Tomorrow (Book 2)
Evelyn’s story continues near a cowboy town where she is exposed to multitudes of buff construction workers, fueled with the exuberance of youth and too much money, combined with easy access to drugs and alcohol. This story includes Evelyn’s eyewitness accounts of loose women, drunken brawls and murder.
To Be Somebody: A Tale of Love, Heartbreak, and Hope (Book 3)
Evelyn marries an Air Force man, who becomes a brutal alcoholic. Together they have four children as their lives take them from California to Denver and even Japan. Her life spins in depression after losing two children to tragic deaths. Consumed by her need to protect her living children, and by her fear, resentment, illnesses and self-hate, Leite is not yet aware that she, herself, has become an alcoholic.