Are you ready to step out of your doubt and into your calling? Download my free ebook Step Out of Your Doubt and Into Your Calling: Walking Boldly in God's Plans for Your Life ...
Posted by Doris Swift on 07/11/2020
Fighting fear? Grab my free Fear Fighting Bible Verses resource! Feel free to share the link on your social media pages to encourage your friends. We need not fear when we have the Sword of the Spirit, God's holy Word! Fighting fear? Grab this Fear-Fighting Bible Verses resource! Fighting fear? Grab this Fear-Fighting Bible Verses resource! ...
Posted by Doris Swift on 07/11/2020
Written in an easy-to-understand, conversational style, Restoring the Shattered is an account of Nancy E. Head’s journey through single-motherhood and poverty. The permanent divide between her and her husband led to a shattering of their family as the children settled into separate camps. The story begins when Nancy and her children have little to eat. Through a miraculous intervention, God provides—and leads them along their way. Other interventions and more guidance came from people of different denominations, illustrating Christ’s love through the larger Church. When...
Posted by Nancy E. Head on 04/03/2020
Meet Featured Speaker, Tanya Jolliffe and discover the basics about: 1. Phases 2. Prompts 3. Development 4. Change She goes into detail about each of these in her book, The Mindful Me Journey: A 40-Day Guided Journal Toward a Healthier Relationship with Food and Exercise. [ ] ...
Posted by Tanya Jolliffe on 03/12/2020 Featured Christian Speaker, Sue Donaldson, of San Luis Obispo, CA, shares how to extend heartfelt hospitality. We come alongside one another to help take the "misery" out of "commiserate." Sitting at the feet of Jesus makes you qualified to mentor. I’ve come to believe that flexibility- not cleanliness- is next to godliness. We need to keep our "hospitality antennae" is good working order: looking out for the one who may need an invitation to our tables, porches and sofas. We resist inviting people over...
Posted by Sue Donaldson on 03/06/2020
What can Purpose, Passion, and Persistence do for you? Dori M. Pulse, speaker, author, and blogger resonates with an authentic straight-talk approach in helping others with personal transformation. Common sense, a good dose of humor, and storytelling will provide both joy and inspiration for audiences. ...
Posted by Dori Pulse on 03/03/2020
Walking With God Stepping out in Faith and Accepting the Unpredictable A hardback journal with 284 pages. Journal your walk with God and be inspired by DiAnn Mills’ favorite quotes and Scripture passages. Author: DiAnn Mills Genre: Non-Fiction Publisher:DM Publishing Publication Year:November 2015 Journal available exclusively by prior arrangement with author appearance. View Book Sample ...
Posted by DiAnn Mills on 07/15/2019
bOuNcE rock your comebacks by michelle rooney Setbacks are inherent to life. But comebacks are up to you. The effective use of comebacks to infuse your life with freedom, wisdom, and power is a skill you can acquire. Allowing God to intervene on your behalf is also paramount to that process. Michelle's book is a valuable tool to help drive you to that outcome. Personal vignettes and abundant Scripture all work together to guide you to your best comebacks and best life. It will provoke you to introspection, inspiration, wisdom, action, and faith. **AVAILABLE NOW on AMAZON &...
Posted by Michelle Rooney on 04/29/2019
Embracing Our Queenly Anointing was birthed out of the author’s recognition that the good, bad and sometimes ugly experiences of the daughter’s of the King, all serve to crown us Queens in the kingdom. The backdrop is the book of Esther, where God used an orphan maiden to rescue a nation from genocide. Though the journey is sometimes laboriously painful, the desire is that God’s Queens will take courage and be resolute in fearlessly facing their giants in the royal court. The hope is that all of God’s daughters will utilize whatever they’ve been allotted...
Posted by Sharon Arrindell on 03/16/2019
Reflect on how our lives follow a similar path as the Israelites as they walked in faith on the long journey. Learn how God was patient and merciful to grumbling and complaining while He taught them to trust. To purchase CLICK HERE ...
Posted by Sue L. Hamilton on 01/31/2019
Do you find yourself grappling with frustrations and setbacks in life? It might seem like for every step forward, you're pushed two steps back. But amidst life's challenges, there is hope. Delve into the transformative wisdom of Dr. Evelyn Johnson-Taylor, a seasoned Bible teacher, as she unveils seven common barriers that hinder blessings in your life. In "Seven Blessing Blockers," Dr. Johnson-Taylor equips you with invaluable insights and practical keys to break free from these obstacles and step into a life of victory. Let her guide you as you unlock the doors to the abundant...
Posted by Evelyn Johnson Taylor on 12/29/2015
Unlock the essence of your true identity through the timeless truths of God's Word. While others may attempt to label or define you, it is God who holds the ultimate authority over your being. Dive deep into the profound question: Who did the Creator design you to be? Your past, the words spoken over you, and the events that have shaped your life do not dictate your identity. You are meticulously crafted in the divine image, fashioned by the hands of the Almighty for His glory and purpose. Within you lies the complete blueprint for fulfilling your destined role in His grand design. Embrace...
Posted by Evelyn Johnson Taylor on 12/29/2015