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Posted by Sue Donaldson on 03/06/2020

Heartfelt Hospitality Interview with Sue Donaldson

www.WomenSpeakers.com Featured Christian Speaker, Sue Donaldson, of  San Luis Obispo, CA, shares how to extend heartfelt hospitality. 

  1. We come alongside one another to help take the "misery" out of "commiserate." 
  2. Sitting at the feet of Jesus makes you qualified to mentor. 
  3. I’ve come to believe that flexibility- not cleanliness- is next to godliness. 
  4. We need to keep our "hospitality antennae" is good working order: looking out for the one who may need an invitation to our tables, porches and sofas. 
  5. We resist inviting people over to our homes because we have the wrong idea--we think hospitality is the same thing as entertaining. 
  6. Hospitality is a metaphor for how God woos us, so when we invite we are acting like Jesus, inviting our world to His welcome. 
  7. We all grow older - we'll all be older, say, by lunch - but we want to grow something besides old! 
  8. We can keep from sliding down into the "comparison pit" when we remember who and Whose we are.   

Sue offers 7 Retreat Series and 14 event topics. Her books include: Come to My Table: God's Hospitality and Yours ; Hospitality 101: Lessons From the Ultimate Host, A 12-Week Bible Study; Table Mentoring: A Simple Guide to Coming Alongside; A digital Hospitality Planner , 202 Conversation Starters and more in Shop! Learn more at http://www.welcomeheart.com and www.WomenSpeakers.com 

A perspective transforming video with Marnie & Friend, Sue Donaldson. 

WomenSpeakers.com is the #1 connecting place for Christian Women Ministry Planners and Christian Women Speakers since 2002.

Heartfelt Hospitality Interview with Sue Donaldson


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