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Posted by Evelyn Johnson Taylor on 12/29/2015

Identity Crisis Discovering Your True Identity in Christ

Unlock the essence of your true identity through the timeless truths of God's Word. While others may attempt to label or define you, it is God who holds the ultimate authority over your being. Dive deep into the profound question: Who did the Creator design you to be?

Your past, the words spoken over you, and the events that have shaped your life do not dictate your identity. You are meticulously crafted in the divine image, fashioned by the hands of the Almighty for His glory and purpose. Within you lies the complete blueprint for fulfilling your destined role in His grand design.

Embrace the liberating power of believing in God's declarations about you. Shift your focus from present circumstances to the unwavering truths of your identity as declared by your Maker. You are intricately woven into His divine plan—your purpose awaits your recognition and acceptance.

Identity Crisis Discovering Your True Identity in Christ


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