From evening keynotes to full retreats, I love to share God's word and grow together in faith with other women....
Posted by Shannon Anderson on 10/24/2022
I Dare You To Jump - Bold Living TrackGod's plans involve extraordinary events in ordinary people's lives! During this session you’ll discover how to replace lies and limitations with God’s truth about your future. ● How to propel your faith towards extraordinary action ● Techniques utilizing God’s Word to radically change your present state ● Strategies to eradicate the fears that keep holding you back Sharing platforms with world-renowned evangelists like Luis Palau and others, Georgina Verzal shares the life-changing power of Jesus...
Posted by Georgina Verzal on 08/02/2022
As you, the women's leader/pastor of your church, prayerfully plan and prepare for your next event~ please would you consider how I might come alongside YOU and your team? It is most important for you to seek God's plan for your next event. Take a few minutes to preview some of my recent Bible teaching at several women's conferences. My goal is to always make the Name of JESUS great in any environment, as I teach directly from the Bible, esteem women's leaders, build unity before and during women's events, and connect with all who attend. Prayerfully, I add value and...
Posted by Paula Webb on 07/11/2022
Beyond the Hidden Veil of Shame You will find God's message of forgiveness, grace and redemption within the pages of this book. It's a workbook to help you find you own settled and peaceful heart. Workbook ...
Posted by Kay Hall on 02/28/2022
Natalie's passion and life's work is to encourage, equip, and empower women by speaking and sharing the transformational work God has done in her life. She loves connecting and loving on women with God's redeeming love and grace at conferences, retreats, events, and in every day life. Natalie helps women CHOOSE LIFE by embracing their innate greatness, unveiling their God-given potential, and soaring boldly in the direction of their dreams so they become a Soaring Sister transformed in body, mind, and spirit to the likeness of Christ and empowered to inspire, influence, and...
Posted by Natalie Dawn Hanson on 02/25/2022
During this interview with Marnie and Dr. Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner about her new book, Unraveling the Lie-Knot, you’ll discover: • Where your lies are hiding and how to see them. • The anatomy of a lie and what to do when you see one in your thinking. • A quick look at the chemistry of depression including the role of shame, blame and guilt. • The fastest path to emotional and spiritual freedom. • How to discern he difference in your head between the voice of God and Satan. • The current effect of unresolved trauma on yourself and others. Dr. Giesbrecht...
Posted by Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner on 10/27/2021
How do you overcome fear when someone or something looks dangerous which can cause you pain or threat? Here is how to deal with fear. Fear destabilizes you and prevents you from taking any positive action in or for your life. Find out more about how to be fearless and brave. So then, what is fear? Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is a threat of harm, real or imagined. Fear and anxiety sometimes last for a short time and it passes, but it can also last much longer and sometimes gets stuck with you. In most cases, fear can take over...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 06/29/2021
Looking for a sample of Donna's teaching? Click the link for more. ...
Posted by Donna Amidon on 10/20/2020
Do you dream of life as an heir to a majestic empire but wake up to the nightmare of a tormented, broken, and desperate reality? Experiencing the magnificent, eternal Kingdom should be a daily routine. Yet when the soil of yesterday’s fray dulls life’s luster, we miss out on its hope and promise. Author Leah Fort knows this first hand. Traumatic events in her childhood wrapped her in a prison of fear, which she learned to cloak with the fools’ gold of achievement. An encounter with The King broke through the façade, shattered the veil of fear,...
Posted by Leah Fort on 04/07/2020
Jill's singing career goes all the way back to wearing the little red choir robe at Brooklyn United Methodist Church in Central Illinois. The journey took her to small festivals to eventually being the opening act for concert events and on stage in Branson! But her heart forever loves Christian music ...
Posted by Jill Evans on 02/03/2020
In PROFESSIONALLY POLISHED, You will learn how to recession proof your career by knowing what your competition doesn’t.Tips for how to get the job you really want. Learn how to get more business and referrals. What you need to know to be on the fast-track to promotion. How to avoid common, simple and everyday mistakes that will cost you clients from other countries or cultures. “I have enjoyed your books; they are relevant and helpful in today’s business world. I will be passing along some of the information in an upcoming staff meeting. I am looking forward to our session...
Posted by Dallas Teague Snider on 08/25/2019
Letting God See Me Naked written testimony of one woman that mirrors the unspoken testimony of many people. Karen, like so many others, has had a life full of events that caused her to live life hidden behind shame, embarrassment, and an unforgiving heart. In this book, she discloses the events and circumstances of her life and how these situations kept her from fulfilling her true purpose and destiny. Accomplished in business and in her personal life, Karen had an external look that tried to mask the internal turmoil she felt from the circumstances of life. ...
Posted by Karen Watson on 06/25/2019