Christian Speaker
Addison Illinois 60101
What can I do to expand God's Kingdom through teaching, speaking, writing, and learning?
Lisa Oddo is an author, speaker, educator and Bible Study leader who helps women feel empowered to explore and share their own stories by gently sharing hers. Discover God's faithfulness, feel connected and understood, and rest in God's timing as He strengthens you with His love.
Inspirational Journal Author, Christian Writer/Speaker, Womens Bible Study Small Group Table Leader, Administer Justice Prayer Champion, Lead Usher/Greeter
Educator, poet, and published author of life stories and a journal for personal/spiritual growth for the reader to use introspectively and record their thoughts within. My publications include chapters in the Overcoming Mediocrity Anthology Series on faith/loss, as well as conditional vs. unconditional love with the Father as our example. The 21-Day journal is called Finding Joy. I volunteer for many ministries at my home church that assist children and adults. Speaker to small groups at Serenity House (Addictions facility). Active with the Women's Club of Addison, Church Ministries, and board member for various organizations. I attend in-person and virtual conferences/summits/workshops/groups for topics such as writing, spiritual growth, marketing, and education. I am the Regional Representative for School District 181at Illinois Education Association on behalf of support staff personnel
I attended Elmhurst University for both my undergraduate work in Early Childhood, Elementary Education, and Sociology, as well as for a Master's Degree in Teacher Leadership. I plan to continue speaking, teaching, writing for publication, volunteer work, and growing on all levels-physical, spiritual, emotional, and primarily in hopes of growing the Lord's kingdom.
Submitted by on Tuesday, Jun 18, 2024
Lisa Oddo is a truly engaging speaker who I had the privilege of interacting with at the Journals of Change Summit. As the host, introducing her to my community and interviewing her was a delightful experience. Lisa's captivating personality is complemented by her insightful wisdom, deeply rooted in biblical teachings, which she shares from her inspirational journal, Finding Joy. If you're looking for a speaker who can inspire and connect with the audience on a personal level, I highly recommend Lisa Oddo. Her ability to present and communicate effectively makes her an outstanding choice.
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Submitted by Serenity House Counseling Service on Tuesday, Feb 27, 2024
For approximately 5 years Lisa was a featured motivational speaker at a women’s half way house. She shared her writings from the book series overcoming mediocrity with the women. She had the ability to share and connect with the women in a most personal way. Her presentations allowed the women to share their own emotional experiences and motivated them to share openly . Having Lisa as a guest speaker was always a pleasure and an educational heart warming experience.
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