Unexpected tragedy threatens to destroy young Wesley on his path to the throne to be King Reagale's successor. Evil infiltrates his life once again, as his past casts a dark shadow of terror over this wonderful new life he has been given, tearing to shreds any hopes for the future and dashing his dreams of a 'happily ever after'. A dim flicker of light emerges from the ashes that remain of his broken life that, with resolved determination and strength of will, might yet see his dreams fulfilled. ...
Posted by Wendy Hunt on 03/29/2023
Do you wonder what God created you to do? Do you have desires and dreams but wonder where to go with them? If your heart is saying YES, then this easy to read, life-changing guide based on Biblical principles is for you. • You’ll be inspired to soar, to risk, to D.R.E.A.M. • You’ll uncover the role your strengths, talents, and life-impacting experiences play in God’s plans and purposes for you • You’ll discover how God has shaped you into the woman you are today and how he has uniquely wired you to live a fulfilling life. This book is ideal to work through...
Posted by Poppy Smith on 08/14/2022
STOP Dreaming, START DOING! by Linette Rainville This eBook is one of Linette Rainville's most popular publications available as a free download! DISCOVER your BIG WHYDISMANTLE your border BULLIESWRITE the VISIONSay HELLO to your WHOTake INVENTORYDRAFT your BLUEPRINTLAUNCH your DREAM!...
Posted by Linette Rainville on 03/13/2022
Natalie's passion and life's work is to encourage, equip, and empower women by speaking and sharing the transformational work God has done in her life. She loves connecting and loving on women with God's redeeming love and grace at conferences, retreats, events, and in every day life. Natalie helps women CHOOSE LIFE by embracing their innate greatness, unveiling their God-given potential, and soaring boldly in the direction of their dreams so they become a Soaring Sister transformed in body, mind, and spirit to the likeness of Christ and empowered to inspire, influence, and...
Posted by Natalie Dawn Hanson on 02/25/2022
Discover the hopes and plans God has for your life—ones filled with purpose and impact—and not only as a Mom but as His beloved and precious daughter. Imagine: Releasing lies that hold you back and waking up with the confidence to mother without guilt or shame.Finding your best friend, the One who helps you find your heart's desires.Discovering your purpose as Mom and as daughter of the King.Being filled and led with joy, peace, love, hope, and grace.Taking care of your whole self and igniting deep connection with and faith in your children. Going through The S.O.A.R. Method Coaching...
Posted by Natalie Dawn Hanson on 02/08/2022
Discover where you are on the S.O.A.R. spectrum from struggling to soaring! Awareness of your current "soaring status" can: Inspire your purpose and awaken your dreams.Ignite a desire to grow and become the best version of your self.Infuse a craving to seek all God has in store for you. This assessment is a great tool that helps women learn the current condition of their hearts, especially in relation to their role as mom. ...
Posted by Natalie Dawn Hanson on 02/08/2022
Are you striving to be everything for everyone, especially your kids? Is the pressure to be enough causing you to ache for something more? If motherhood isn’t quite what you thought it would be, perhaps it’s time to discover what might be missing . In our valiant efforts to be the mom we’ve always dreamed of being, we rise up and work endlessly to take care of our families. The tragedy is our attempts at being enough can leave us feeling overwhelmed and inadequate and yearning for something more we aren’t sure how to find, but desperately need. Author, Natalie...
Posted by Natalie Dawn Hanson on 02/08/2022
Move from fear to faith with Marnie and Christian Women Conference Speaker, Doris Swift. Discover how: • Our calling isn't built in a day, it unfolds in many ways over our lifetime. • Our ministry is wherever we are, woven into the tapestry of God's amazing plan. • When God opens our eyes to see hard things, it ignites our passion and compassion, convicting us to take action. • Instead of saying, 'I'm not enough' we can say, 'I don't need to be enough because Jesus is enough for the both of us.' • God...
Posted by Doris Swift on 07/31/2020
Do you dream of life as an heir to a majestic empire but wake up to the nightmare of a tormented, broken, and desperate reality? Experiencing the magnificent, eternal Kingdom should be a daily routine. Yet when the soil of yesterday’s fray dulls life’s luster, we miss out on its hope and promise. Author Leah Fort knows this first hand. Traumatic events in her childhood wrapped her in a prison of fear, which she learned to cloak with the fools’ gold of achievement. An encounter with The King broke through the façade, shattered the veil of fear,...
Posted by Leah Fort on 04/07/2020
Keynote video sample to give you and idea of my stage presence. The message for each event is customized depending on the needs of the event and audience. Leslie@SozoLove.com ...
Posted by Leslie Jackson on 03/06/2020
When God gives you a dream, it doesn’t come with a manual. At first, the excitement and longing for the dream can drive you. Yet if you do not understand God’s process of preparing the dreamer for the dream and the true meaning of the seeds He plants, you can travel a disappointing, discouraging, and confusing path. Dreams inspired by God require intense seasons of refinement, perseverance, and character development and whatever you must endure to reach His dream for you is outweighed by the glory of being changed by God in the most uncommon ways. Surely dreams are worth more...
Posted by Shana Strange on 08/09/2019
The Dance of Character and Plot When a writer steps onto the page of a novel, a dance of rhythm and beauty begins. The writer is inspired to create story, and that passion unfolds onto the pages of a vibrant novel. Do you have a burning passion to pen a novel but don’t know where to begin? Have you been writing but your work still remains unpublished? Are you ready to take positive steps toward pursuing your dream of creating a polished novel? Look no further! The Dance of Character and Plot by award-winning author and writing coach DiAnn Mills will show you how to write a novel from...
Posted by DiAnn Mills on 07/15/2019