Who is the Holy Spirit and what purpose does He fulfill in a person’s life? One of the passages of Scripture that our Heavenly Father gave me when He called me into ministry was Zechariah 4:6 which states, “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.” It has become the foundation of how I live my life. This book is a must read for people who desire to know and have the power of the Holy Spirit operating in their lives. It is not filled with fluff or imagination regarding God’s Spirit. The material in this book was first taught in one of our annual...
Posted by Paula Harris on 01/24/2019
More than Conquerors! Romans 8:37 tells us that we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us. What does it mean to be more than conquerors? Our speakers share with you their travels through difficult years of change and loss and although they stumble and fall they set their eyes on Jesus and find the way back because we are more than just conquerors. In these four sessions explore how faith and trust can bring us up from any depth. We are strong courageous women of God. Regardless of your situation or the way things look, you are still on the winning side. Session 1: Surviving...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018
Do you need a good dose of encouragement or inspiration? How about the prospect of hope in your life? One Word is a wonderful book offering hope encouragement and inspiration from some of Yvonne’s most interesting friends. All royalties from One Word will support Day of Joy Ministry. Order your copy now for a donation of $16.95 + $2 shipping and handling. Send to Yvonne Conte 1624 Pine Valley Dr 7-302 Ft Myers FL 33907 or go to https://dayofjoy.org/multimedia-archive/one-word/ to purchase online There are many ways to support this ministry: praying for women who are strugglingtelling...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018
Serious Laughter - provides a wealth of ideas and practical suggestions of how to add humor and laughter to your life. This book provides easy to understand information in an entertainingly friendly, but very authoritative way. In addition, it is filled with action packed drawings that create excitement for the reader. Serious Laughter teaches the medical and spiritual benefits of humor and shows you how to find the laughter. This book gives example after example of how to go about adding these aspects to your life both at work and at home. But more than that Serious Laughter takes you...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018
Bits of Joy - Book - Yvonne's newest book shares with you over 150 activities that have continued to add Joy to her life. This wonderful gift book combines joyful ideas with the whimsical drawings of her friend, Anna Cerullo, in the hopes they will help to add joy in your own life journey. Five chapters offer thirty fun-filled activities to do with children, thirty-five holiday and celebration ideas, twenty-five tricks that infuse the work environment with a spirit of fun, twenty-five creative and motivational tips and fifty silly suggestions that will bring forth joy. A truly joyful life...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018
C ry, Laugh, Cook! -New Book- How often do we talk about our lives growing up? Do we think about how our relationships with our siblings have changed over the years? Do we recognize the humor all around us? What lessons have we learned, what traits do we embrace, and what foods take us back home? This is the fabric of our lives—our history. Re- cording the experiences and ideals that carry us through life is one of the greatest gifts we can give to our family. This book is an example of one way to share the gift of who we are. The book will not be read just once. The threads...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018
Submission: We’d rather avoid or abuse it than embrace it. Maybe we get it wrong. Submission has become one of those words (and concept) we’d rather avoid. It brings up stories and experiences of mistreatment, disrespect, and abuse of power. The concept has been hijacked by authority who have only their own interests in mind and want everyone else to do it “my way.” We live in a culture and time of applauding “my way”—unless it bumps into our own way. Or, we try to generalize what submission means, isolating Scripture to support our assumptions...
Posted by Susan Lawrence on 09/24/2018
Renew your trust in God, identify the spiritual entanglers in your life, and rediscover who you are in Christ. In this six-week devotional, Carole Brewer shares her love for God and knowledge of His word with humor, heart-warming personal experiences, and thought-provoking questions to ponder. “Revitalizing our lives is needed today! The text in this interactive devotional is Godly and refreshing.” —Thelma Wells, D.D., Author of 41 books, Mentor, Women of Faith Core Speaker for 22 years “Carole Brewer’s expertly written devotional is a refuge for the...
Posted by Carole Brewer on 09/17/2018
Imagine if your good friends were a couple dedicated to help you build the marriage you’ve always dreamed of. Steve and Rhonda are that couple. Every page feels like a candid conversation with friends who care deeply about helping you enjoy the marriage you’ve always hoped for. *And Steve & Rhonda have made a FREE VIDEO SERIES to go along with each chapter of The Marriage Mentor . So, if you can’t get your spouse to read the book, read it yourself and then share with them the short, fun, videos with Steve & Rhonda....
Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 09/04/2018
Confucius said, "Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand. Enjoy this 30 day devotional/coloring book. Renew and enhance life-filled connection to God, yourself, and other people by engaging all your senses. Visit debpotts.com/mindful for more information. Available on Amazon (affiliate link). ...
Posted by Deb Potts on 08/07/2018
As women, we struggle to feel like we’re good enough because we are bombarded daily with messages that whisper, “Who you are is not okay.” We live in a world that tells us we have to look a certain way, live a certain lifestyle, have husbands who fit a certain mold, and have children that excel in every area of their lives. And rather than thrive in the life we have, we strive to create an existence that impresses others. This impossible treadmill leaves us with deep discontentment and a joyless existence. God doesn’t apologize for how He created us. And while...
Posted by Carey Scott on 06/01/2018
A customizable 30-day prayer calendar for your next event! Last year my husband and I joined a team of other marriage ministry leaders to create our church's first ever retreat for marriage mentors. We called it Fill Up, Pour Out. One of the elements of our planning was incorporating prayer. We created a 30-day prayer calendar, modeled after one we found online. For the 30 days before our event, we had a team of people praying the same prayers daily. Some of us added fasting days once a week. God honored our dedication to making this His work. He showed up big time! The event...
Posted by Deb Potts on 01/16/2018