Tim & Gerald Ray: Let's Go Swimming Book 3 Paperback  Let's Go Swimming is another enlightening adventure for Timmy and Gerald Ray! It is summer break and they boys are going to Myrtle Beach South Carolina for a week. During their summer fun, something catches Gerald Ray's eye and upon questioning it, he ends up with another question, baptism and just what is it? ...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 08/06/2021
You are a new Christian. You have accepted Christ into your life. Where do you go from here? Many new Christians know they believe, but they don’t know what to do next to grow their faith. This inspirational book by Sandra Lott will give new Christians the direction they need to grow in Christ. ...
Posted by Sandra (Lott) Smith on 08/06/2021
Secret Strategies from a Career Writer. During this interview with Marnie and guest, Cindi McMenamin, you’ll discover: • What a successful writing career might look like (even if you never become a best seller). • The 5 common myths about writing books. • The types of writing that can financially sustain a person full time. • The top 3 indicators that someone is ready to write as a career. • The 3 biggest challenges or obstacles to fulltime writing. • Some spiritual hazards to the job and how to find victory in the trenches. • A few favorite...
Posted by Cindi McMenamin on 07/26/2021
uring this interview with Marnie and Laine Lawson Craft, author of the “Enjoy Today Own Tomorrow Journal,” you’ll discover: • How to connect with God anytime, anywhere to increase your joy. • Why faith needs frequent reactivation, and how to do it daily. • The most important key to turning your hurts into healing. • How to overcome discouragement. • How to experience God in both your heart and your head. • The power and surprising pleasure of growing more dependent on God. Laine Lawson Craft is a firecracker. This best-selling,...
Posted by Laine Craft on 07/07/2021
Jesus said in John 16:33, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (ESV). We may think when we are suffering that God has abandoned us or is trying to "punish" us. But nothing could be further from the truth! God wants to develop important character traits in us, one of them being the beautiful gift of perseverance. If we're willing to open our hearts to what He has to teach us in our trials, we can better understand their value, experience peace in the midst of...
Posted by Jennifer Cadamore on 06/29/2021
You Are Chosen for Such a Time as 2021! During this interview with Marnie and guest, Lisa Spivey, you’ll discover: • The key to seeing your future as God sees it. • Why and how to make the commitment to move forward from here. • How to get yourself going using Lisa’s S.T.A.R.T. acronym. o Stay in God’s Word. o Trust God. o Align yourself with His promises. o Remember what God’s brought you through. o Take it one day at a time. Lisa’s is a Bible teacher and speaker whose passion is to see...
Posted by Lisa Spivey on 06/15/2021
During this hour with Marnie and guest, Jill Richardson, you’ll discover Communication Strategies for Speakers including: • How to lock in the longevity and relevance of your ministry and messages. • Communication strategies for a sound bite world. • Interactive techniques that work with women. • How to narrow down your message to maximize your impact. • What to do when confusion, overwhelm or lack clarity define the day (or season). • Identifying and addressing the #1 cause of communication failure. Dr. Jill...
Posted by Jill Richardson on 06/14/2021
Many people have accepted below average lifestyle and settled. They don’t know they can be healed or simply don’t know what to do or how to begin. In this book Quite Talks With God book and the workbook, Fearless and Brave, Soul Searching Journal, I have shared what I learned on my journey about overcoming fear and embracing the best life God has for my life. And even though your journey won’t be exactly like mine, I hope my story can inspire you and be a guiding light as you step out onto your path of progress toward wholeness. Ruth’s...
Posted by Mycel Acquaah-Mensah on 05/25/2021
Balanced Leadership Rest for the Weary Leader. During this hour with Marnie and guest, Verna Bowman, you’ll discover: Why leaders are especially vulnerable to imbalance. (striving to measure up and keep up no matter what is going on in our personal lives)The difference between being busy vs. being weighed down.What to do when the weight of trials and challenges collide with leadership.How to appropriate Jesus’ promise in Matthew 11:28. Come – all who are weary and wounded from the current stress Yoke – yoking together...
Posted by Verna Bowman on 04/08/2021
Divine Conversations is a study on the transformational power of prayer. Each week she shares a story from her own life, explores a story from scripture, and offers a small amount of “digging deeper” work. With discussion questions in the back of the book, this has served many small group Bible studies a fresh fire in their prayer life. ...
Posted by Kathy Schwanke on 02/22/2021
In this teaching Paula talks about the scripture in Daniel 3 about 3 Hebrew boys standing firm on their faith to God. They would not bow to the god that was put in front of them. They stood firm, even when if it meant being thrown into the fire. But while they were in the fire the 4th man shows up and brings them to safety and saves the whole nation. We do can stand in faith even when things around us are falling about. ...
Please stop by for a visit! I'd love to share with you some of the hope and comfort I've learned through what I've lived through... and have COME BACK TO LIFE from! The wreck, the massively severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and all the fractures all over my body made up a "recipe of adversity" that bodies cannot endure, UNLESS GOD..... Again, here's the web address to a link-with-skin-on that GOD continues to shape and craft for His Purpose: https://www.womenspeakers.com/united-states/arlington/speaker/patti-foster P.S. For recommended resources...
Posted by Patti Foster on 01/19/2021