Judy Salisbury has compiled her popular and enduring children’s books into one Trilogy of Lessons. These encouraging, life-changing, and compelling stories touch children—and adults—of all ages and include: Book #1: DITSY AND THE VERY GOOD SHEPHERD reminds us that, like Ditsy, we can all be hurting, angry, or scared. Everyone feels that way at one time or another. That’s why it’s time to learn the lesson, through this engaging little tale, of how you don't have to be ditzy like Ditsy as she comes to realize the truth that she really is loved, never alone or forgotten,...
Posted by Judy Salisbury on 03/07/2025
"Supplemental Yet Essential is a great read with great information!" JOE TORRILLO, Retired FDNY Lieutenant, 9/11 Survivor, Motivational Speaker SUPPLEMENTAL YET ESSENTIAL is Judy Salisbury's popular and complete LPNequip.org training that is making an impact from coast to coast. Her unique, effective, and practical supplemental training is appropriate for healthcare facility owners, administrators, nursing staff, or anyone who engages in eldercare. The four training modules included are: AVOID REVOLVING-DOOR WHIPLASH: A FRESH APPROACH TO RETENTION AND...
Posted by Judy Salisbury on 03/07/2025
What happens when you combine the urgency of a first responder, the heart of a counselor, and the mind of a Christian apologist? The product is a thirty-one-day guide that will help you face flood, flame, fear, or flu with wisdom and strength. Judy Salisbury created a relevant devotional resource to help individuals through any of life’s trials, be they global, national, or personal. Truly an encouraging, convicting, and instructive guide for personal growth to help people who are looking, not just to survive the distressing times, but also to thrive. "Judy Salisbury, with her...
Posted by Judy Salisbury on 03/07/2025
Leaving to other resources on the Book of Revelation interpretations regarding the rapture, millennium, perplexing images, or specifics of judgment, "The Relevance of Revelation" offers thirty-one days of practical insights that focus on applicable and encouraging lessons for the believer today that will prepare the heart, soul, and mind for living in the last days and the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. ARE YOU PREPARED? ...
Posted by Judy Salisbury on 03/07/2025
Whether you are a new believer or have walked with the Lord for many years, "More Than Devotion" provides you with fifty opportunities to learn through an array of biblical personalities and their circumstances. As you read each day’s related account from both Old and New Testaments, you will realize that God truly is the same yesterday, today, and forever. You will also see that human nature appears unchanging without God's intervention as well, making this work relatable and relevant. With the backdrop of remembrance, each day provides a practical application and an achievable...
Posted by Judy Salisbury on 03/07/2025
The Emmaus Conversation: An Eyewitness Account from the Unnamed Disciple is a unique and riveting reconstruction from the unnamed disciple’s perspective found in Luke 24 regarding his journey with Cleopas on the road to Emmaus after witnessing Jesus’s crucifixion and burial, along with hearing claims of His empty tomb. Suddenly, a Stranger begins walking with them. With their eyes “prevented” from recognizing Him as the risen Lord Jesus Christ—Yeshua the Messiah, their new, wise Traveling Companion correlates the Old Covenant Scriptures, by way of Moses and the prophets,...
Posted by Judy Salisbury on 03/07/2025
Judy Salisbury offers a complete guide for effective communication and presentation skills for individuals with any level of public speaking ability. Learn how to speak and present on an array of topics, from Christian apologetics to the sensitive moral issues of our day, in various venues with credibility and confidence. With its accessible, systematic format, A TIME TO SPEAK is an excellent resource for all students, home-schooled through graduate school. In addition to specific skills and techniques, the reader will learn instructions for presentation content and construction, how to diffuse...
Posted by Judy Salisbury on 03/07/2025
Engaging Encounters: Your Guide to Apply Reasons for Faith, is a captivating resource highlighting six unique exchanges with six different women. Judy Salisbury offers nearly one-hundred practical and life-changing responses presented in a conversational format. Addressed are an array of emotional, biblical, moral, intellectual, and spiritual concerns that many women face today. This guide is an excellent resource for women’s group study. The sections Questions for Review and Thoughts for Reflection provide opportunities for discussion, additional instruction, practical information, encouragement,...
Posted by Judy Salisbury on 03/07/2025
Have you ever considered your impact for eternity? Do you have a desire to offer commonsense answers to spiritual and popular questions, and yet feel ill-equipped to do so? When the storms of life come, does your faith tend to waver? Do you wish you had answers to nagging questions you have yet to articulate or investigate? If you have the desire to become better equipped to reach others for the lost or to strengthen your faith, Judy Salisbury’s guide—written specifically to meet the needs of Christian women today—offers you a safe, practical, and approachable place to start....
Posted by Judy Salisbury on 03/07/2025
From the author of the popular books "Ditsy and the Very Good Shepherd" and "Finding Faithful Friends" comes this exciting and insightful story that provides an opportunity to see how anyone can turn from mischief or mayhem at various times and in various ways to purpose and peace for the rest of their days. Whether child or adult, the lessons gained apply to each of us as we learn how and why... IT'S GOOD TO BE GOOD AND IT'S BAD TO BE BAD! ...
Posted by Judy Salisbury on 03/07/2025
Perhaps you are like the little child in our story. Maybe you have had times of loneliness. Maybe there are times when you think no one wants you to be around, or maybe you think they don’t even notice you at all. Perhaps you feel that this could never change, but it can because it did! Learn how this child found faithful friends and became one, and how you can too! Whether child or adult, if you’re lonely or blue, "Finding Faithful Friends" happened for him, and it can happen for you! ...
Posted by Judy Salisbury on 03/07/2025
Have you ever felt like Ditsy—hurting, lonely, angry, or scared? Everyone feels that way at one time or another. That's why it's time to learn the lesson, through this engaging little tale, of how you don't have to be ditzy like Ditsy as she comes to realize the truth that she really is loved, never alone or forgotten, protected and precious all because of The Very Good Shepherd. Not only is this good news for Ditsy, but also find out how this is very good news for you too! ...
Posted by Judy Salisbury on 03/07/2025