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Posted by Judy Salisbury on 03/07/2025

Reasons for Faith: Answering Objections and Obstacles to Belief

Have you ever considered your impact for eternity? Do you have a desire to offer commonsense answers to spiritual and popular questions, and yet feel ill-equipped to do so? When the storms of life come, does your faith tend to waver? Do you wish you had answers to nagging questions you have yet to articulate or investigate? If you have the desire to become better equipped to reach others for the lost or to strengthen your faith, Judy Salisbury’s guide—written specifically to meet the needs of Christian women today—offers you a safe, practical, and approachable place to start. With her lively, straightforward style, Judy addresses such issues as: Does God exist? Can I trust the Bible? Does Christianity oppress women? Is truth subjective or objective? Why would God allow evil and suffering? Was Jesus God, and did He rise from the dead? How does or should my faith guide my life? 

“I know of no book on the market that better meets the spiritual needs and fills the intellectual hunger of women who want to see their friends, family, and children in the kingdom of God.” —From the foreword, DR. NORMAN L. GEISLER, Distinguished Professor of Apologetics, Veritas Evangelical Seminary 

“A powerful tool for the defense of the faith, one that combines fascinating facts with true spiritual understanding and a refreshing sense of humor.” JILL MARTIN RISCHE, cofounder of Walter Martin’s Religious InfoNet and co-author of Through the Windows of Heaven

Reasons for Faith: Answering Objections and Obstacles to Belief


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