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Posted by Judy Salisbury on 03/07/2025

A Time to Speak: Practical Training for the Christian Presenter and the Novice, Nervous, and Neurotic

Judy Salisbury offers a complete guide for effective communication and presentation skills for individuals with any level of public speaking ability. Learn how to speak and present on an array of topics, from Christian apologetics to the sensitive moral issues of our day, in various venues with credibility and confidence. With its accessible, systematic format, A TIME TO SPEAK is an excellent resource for all students, home-schooled through graduate school. In addition to specific skills and techniques, the reader will learn instructions for presentation content and construction, how to diffuse hostility, lead successful Q&A sessions, and tips to turn apathy into action and even help to attain speaking invitations.

“I wholeheartedly endorse Judy Salisbury’s excellent work. I expect 'A Time to Speak' will be a blessing to the Christian community and will encourage and equip us to step out and share with individuals and family members, local congregations, schools, town meetings, or wherever the Lord leads.” JOSH McDOWELL,  Josh McDowell Ministry (From the Foreword)


A Time to Speak: Practical Training for the Christian Presenter and the Novice, Nervous, and Neurotic


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