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Rhonda Stoppe

Christian Speaker
Livermore California 94550

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Old Ladies Know Stuff!

Old Ladies Know Stuff!

Contact Information

Position Christian Woman Speaker
Online Social Profiles
Livermore, CA 94550
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
FBC Patterson, CA
Relationship to Church
Pastors Wife at
Speaking Experience
Full Time (over 20 events per year)
Fee Range
Works with Your Budget

More About Rhonda Stoppe

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Rhonda is a BEST SELLING author, Christian Speaker, comedian, humorous story teller who weaves sound biblical principles into her impactful messages. And is a delightful emcee for your next event!

Rhonda is an influential voice in the Christian Living Community. As seen on: Focus on the Family - Best of Episodes 2021 & 2023) Dr James Dobson Family Talk, The 700 Club, Family Life and 100 Huntley Street  

Rhonda hosts the Award Winning Podcast: Old Ladies Know Stuff

Speaker Promo Video: Becoming the Mom You Meant to Be

Media Promo Video: Hope for Prodigals (Focus on the Family Films) 


Dr Emerson Eggerichs - Love & Respect: “Rhonda Stoppe’s commitment to Christ and Scripture enthralls me…She practically helps moms learn the secrets to guiding their sons with love and respect.”

"Rhonda's stories were riveting, her strategies practical, and her presentation style enjoyable and heartwarming." ~Marnie Swedberg International Leadership Mentor to Women

Rhonda uniquely connects with women through stories, humor and most importantly with biblical principles to impact audiences in a powerful way. Rhonda meets women at the point of their need and guides them toward a no regrets life. 

"I could have listened to Rhonda talk all night," is what audiences say of Rhonda’s enthusiastic, funny, genuine and transparent style of teaching. 

VIRTUAL: Online Events Immediate Availability - Rhonda has videos already recorded for your virtual women's event! Or she can create a video upon request. Rhonda is an experienced LIVE online event presenter, mentor and trainer.

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More About Rhonda's Off the Grid Life:

Rhonda has been married to Steve, her high school sweetheart, for 42 years. Rhonda has ministered along Steve in youth ministry for 18 years and as a pastor's wife for 25+ years. They have a deep love for one another that is grounded in their love for Christ. Their favorite ministry is to their adult children and their 15 grandchildren! 

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Thirty years ago, Rhonda followed Steve to live off-the-grid in a little one bedroom house on their ranch in the California mountains. Rhonda's stories of their crazy life have appeared in Focus on the Family, inCourage, Family Life Today and other magazine outlets. 

Rhonda shares vulnerably about her struggle as a young mom with hormonal imbalances. Steve and Rhonda adopted their oldest son, Tony, when he was 15 years old. So, they understand the impact adoption can have on a marriage and family. Tony is now married and serves as a fighter pilot in the Air Force. 

Rhonda's younger son, Brandon, was six years old when he diagnosed with severe seizure activity (Epilepsy). Rhonda shares honestly how her heart broke when her son was labeled, "special ed" by the school administrator - which led her to homeschool her son. Rhonda also speaks of this season as a time when she was tempted to walk away from serving the Lord. But God captured her heart and gave her His joy as her strength. Brandon grew up to tour with some well-known Christian Music Bands, and now serves as a worship pastor in Southern California.

Rhonda and Steve have also raised two amazing daughters who are to married godly men––who serve the Lord in the Stoppe's church. Steve and Rhonda live out their real life romance on their ranch in California where they raise pigs, peacocks, puppies, and people. They have 15 grandchildren who they absolutely adore––so they unapologetically post too many pictures of their grands on social media.

Rhonda says, "The Bible calls the older women to teach the younger. My passion is to fulfill that ministry by speaking, writing books, and one-on-one mentoring to help women build a life more influential than they ever dreamed possible - a life without regrets."

 Rhonda’s BEST OF interview at Focus on the Family


Evangelism and inspiring women to share the gospel is Rhonda's heart cry. Her passion to invite women to know Christ is contagious when she shares the hope of salvation. https://youtu.be/-OBd2IyIlwY?t=214


Moms Raising Sons to Be Men (Harvest House Publishers)

Moms Raising Sons to Be Men Audio Book - Released 2021!

If My Husband Would Change I'd Be Happy & Other Myths Wives Believe (Harvest House Publishers)

The Marriage Mentor - Becoming the Couple You Long to Be (Harvest House Publishers)

Real Life Romance (Harvest House Publishers)

Fiercely Unstoppable Entrepreneur 

A Christian Woman's Guide to Great Sex in Marriage

I Sleep With the Pastor- A 52 Week Devotional for Those Called to Minister to the Minister


Rhonda's YouTube Channel: Rhonda Stoppe No Regrets Woman

VIDEO: FocusontheFamily Hope for the Prodigal 

WATCH Rhonda Teaching at Dr. James Dobson Family Institute: https://youtu.be/-OBd2IyIlwY?si=0uFmtSMvaA1tzFcJ

Rhonda Stoppe Recommendations

Submitted by Legacy Coalition on Tuesday, Mar 11, 2025

Jane Larsen - Summit Leadership Team

Rhonda served as the emcee for our national conference. On stage she was engaging, professional, warm & kind, and very personable. Off stage she was also a joy to work with. She connected with our speakers and team. She prayed with and for staff/speakers. She connected so well with our conference attendees.

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Submitted by California Southern Baptist Convention on Thursday, Feb 06, 2025

Eva De La Rosa, Women's Ministry & Missions

Eva De La Rosa, head of women's ministries for the California Southern Baptist Convention, has worked with Rhonda on a number of occasions to equip and inspire women to share the Gospel, to encourage and train Ministers' Wives, and at other SCBC Women's events.

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Submitted by 6 Degrees Touring on Friday, Aug 30, 2024

Josh Berry, CEO

Josh Berry has worked with Rhonda for over 20 years at various venues. Josh has been tour manager for Matthew West, and numerous other well-known Christian Artists. 6 Degrees Touring now builds tours for most of the major Christian artists in the country. Rhonda and her husband Steve have worked closely with Josh over the years, speaking at events as well as personal mentors to Josh and his wife Julie.

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Submitted by Christian Heritage Homeschooling Educators Of Washington on Monday, Apr 29, 2024

Gina Booy, Christian Heritage Conference Coordinator and Speaker Team Lead

Attendees refer to Rhonda as a blessing and wonderful speaker. She had presented 5 workshops and well attended. She manages to present stories and examples that allows listeners the chance to relate to content and how to apply Rhonda's wisdom based on people's circumstances. Attendees enjoyed her encouragement and how engaging she is.

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Submitted by Gateway Seminary on Friday, Apr 19, 2024

Denise Matthews - Women's Program Coordinator

Rhonda Stoppe is a powerful speaker who brings scripture to life through sound teaching and practical application. Funny, energetic, and passionate heart for engaging women with Gospel of Jesus Christ, that all might hear His voice, repent, and respond to the call.

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Submitted by Matthew West, Christian Singer/Song Writer on Thursday, Jun 08, 2023

Matthew West, Christian Singer/Song Writer

“WHAT A POWERFUL PERSPECTIVE! Rhonda has a solid understanding of what the Bible says about mothers and sons, and she uses real-life examples and a tell-it-like-it-is style of wisdom that is needed for this day and age. This book offers great advice for mothers to raise their sons to be men who can affect generations to come.”

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Submitted by River Oak Grace Community Church on Thursday, Feb 02, 2023

Brandie Souza

Rhonda is so inspiring! Speaking on subjects that we all want to know but no one wants to ask. She helped me personally overcome so very difficult struggles in my life. Things that ive carried with for over 15 years. I would highly recommend her for your next event. We had over 100 ladies who are still talking about it.... 2 years later.

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Submitted by Fremont Pres on Thursday, Oct 27, 2022

Melissa Hightower Women's Ministry Coordinator

Thank you Rhonda for speaking strong biblical truth (even when it's hard to hear) at our retreat!

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Submitted by Gateway Seminary on Monday, Aug 30, 2021

Denise Matthews - Women's Program Coordinator

Rhonda Stoppe is a powerful speaker who brings scripture to life through sound teaching and practical application. Funny, energetic, and passionate heart for engaging women with Gospel of Jesus Christ, that all might hear His voice, repent, and respond to the call.

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Submitted by Fairly Spiritual on Tuesday, Apr 25, 2017

Doug Bursch

I produced and hosted 1,200 radio shows in 5 years on 820 AM KGNW in Seattle Washington. During that time, Rhonda Stoppe was one of my most prepared, professional and engaging guests. She is an excellent communicator who can follow the discussion in whatever direction serves the show. I recommend having her on any radio show that wants engaging content.

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Submitted by First Baptist Church Of Patterson on Monday, Nov 02, 2015

Steve Stoppe, Pastor

Pastor Steve Stoppe has ministered with Rhonda for over 30 years. 18 years in youth ministry, and 14 years as Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church Patterson, CA. Together Steve & Rhonda have taught for youth camps, and now teach Marriage Retreats and Seminars.

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Rhonda Stoppe Speaking Topics

I Can Build a No Regrets Life

"Anyone can build a life with NO REGRETS. No matter what regretful choices you might have made, God is ready to use YOU in history for this time!" ~Rhonda StoppeBeginning...


Women will be challenged to be live above reproach, to be diligent in their pursuit of Christ, and find victory over things that hold them back, such as: People Pleasing; Fear; Abuse;...

Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 10/29/2015

Finding Strength in Joy

"All of us will experience seasons of trials. It's where we turn for strength that defines us in such times."  From experience Rhonda knows what it is to fight...

MOMS-The Architects of the Next Generation (Also "Become the Mom You Always Hoped You'd Be)

Moms-The Architects of the Next Generation and Become the Mom You Always Hoped You'd Be are two of Rhonda's popular messages for MOPs events, Home School Conventions, and MOM events....

Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 10/29/2015

Mommy & Marriage - How Can I Be Good At Both?

How can you be good at mommy and marriage? Rhonda Stoppe answers this question in a way that will encourage, inspire and help you be the mom and wife you always hoped you would be. You...

Women Who ROCK Their World

Women Who Rock Their World  - What woman doesn't want to make an impact on those around her? Rhonda's passionate messages resonates and inspires single women, wives,...

Finding Strength in Joy

Finding Strength in Joy- From Rhonda's own experience she has had to learn to fight for joy when life didn't turn out the way she expected. Learning to thank God for her...

Pastors Wives Conference

Rhonda is a Pastors Wife... She gets it! No one else knows the unique ministry to the minister expect those who are married to pastors. Rhonda is a favorite speaker for pastors wives...

The No Regrets Marriage Conference

The No Regrets Marriage Conference is a popular one evening event where Rhonda and her Pastor/husband Steve Stoppe spend the evening with audiences sharing secrets to build a NO REGRETS...

Single & College Women - I Can Build a No Regrets Life

Rhonda is a popular speaker on College Campuses. This message for single, college aged women and even teens inspires young women to build a life of no regrets as they listen to Rhonda's...

Women's Evangelism Conference

Imagine if there was an event where you could bring your non believing girlfriends to hear and respond to the gospel. That's what this event will be. Rhonda Stoppe is passionate...

How to Live the Life You Meant to Live

Are you who you want to be? Looking back on what you hoped to do with your life do you find yourself discouraged, disappointed, or filled with regret? These are just a couple...

Biblical Womanhood

What does it look like to be a biblical woman? Rhonda helps women answer this question as she walks listeners through the book of Philippians. Women will come to understand what it...

What to Do When Life Doesn't Make Sense

Rhonda's stories are riveting and powerful. "All of us will experience seasons of trials. It's where we turn for strength that defines us in such times." ~Rhonda...

Minister's Wives One Day Conference/or Retreat

Rhonda is a Pastors Wife... She gets it! No one else knows the unique ministry to the minister expect those who are married to pastors. Rhonda is a favorite speaker for pastors wives...

Pastor and Wife Retreat with Steve & Rhonda Stoppe

Steve and Rhonda get it - they have ministered together for over 30 years. Steve has served as a youth pastor, church planter, and now pastor at First Baptist Church of Patterson,...

Rhonda Develops Messages to fit your Theme & Event

Rhonda's messages spill over with her passion to help women build NO REGRETS LIVES by guiding them toward a more intimate walk with Christ.  Rhonda offers hope, I know the...

No Regrets Marriage Conference/Retreat with Steve & Rhonda Stoppe

Steve and Rhonda Stoppe have been married since 1981. Their fun and practical messages are what make the No Regrets Marriage Conference so powerful and unique. Rhonda and Steve...

Life on Purpose - With No Regrets!

The first step is helping women life the life God intends them to live is to help them break free from regrets that hold them back. Stoppe says, It's time to get victory over that...

Homeschool Convention Talks

Rhonda Stoppe is a favorite homeschool convention speaker who is repeatedly asked back to conventions where she has spoken. Messages for Homeschool Conventions and events include:-Math,...

Mom Talks...

Rhonda is a favorite speaker for MOPs, Mom2Mom and other motherhood groups throughout the nation. Rhonda's lighthearted, passionate look at the important calling of motherhood...


Women Who Rock Their World  -  Audiences say, "Rhonda's honest, genuine and passionately brought to life women in Scripture, in history and in present day examples....

Old Ladies Know Stuff - LOL Life Lessons You Need to Know!

Comedy with a Purpose. If you are looking for a night of meaningful laughter, then this message is for you. Old Ladies Know Stuff. We really do! In Titus Chapter two God instructs...


What does it take to build a life with NO REGRETS? Rhonda Stoppe has the answer, not only how to move forward to build a no regrets life, but to once and for all break away from any...

Becoming a Woman of Passion and Purpose

"Wishing you would do better is not going to change your life. But God offers you real ways to live a life full of passion and purpose––a life well lived" ~Rhonda...

Rhonda Stoppe Events

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Rhonda Stoppe Resources

Moms Raising Sons Video Course

Free Moms Raising Sons Video Course ...

Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 08/25/2023

Old Ladies Know Stuff Podcast

Old Ladies Know Stuff we really do! Join Rhonda Stoppe and friends for life lessons and real life insights to help you build a life without regrets.  ...

Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 08/25/2023

If My Husband Would Change I'd Be Happy & Other Myths Wives Believe AUDIO BOOK

What's really keeping you from enjoying a better marriage?  ""If my husband would change, I'd be happy"" and ""I'm falling out of love with him"" are among several common myths that lead women to search for marital happiness in all the wrong places. In this author Rhonda Stoppe shares, with candor and humor how to enrich your relationship with your husband (even if he doesn't change). Along the way you'll read many helpful stories and real-life examples from other couples and discover: - how to deal with unfulfilled longings -...

Posted by on 01/09/2025

Moms Raising Sons to Be Men Book (2023)

“Sure to empower moms seeking to raise their sons to reflect Christ’s character.”-John Fuller, Vice President, Focus on the Family “While the whole book is a blessing, I believe that Part 3, ‘Even If’ will wash over the hearts and souls of many.” —Ed Gossien, Chief Ministry Officer at AWANA ...

Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 08/25/2023


The Best You 2022 Summit - Rhonda Stoppe: "I could've listened to Rhonda talk all night," say audiences. Rhonda shares secrets she's discovered, through decades of experience, to help you deliver programs that are interesting, relevant and transforming.  -Secrets to capture your audience's attention  -How to craft messages that are life-changing and relevant  -Ways to present unforgettable presentations  Rhonda Stoppe is the best-selling author of 7 books, a popular speaker and a media guest appearing on  Dr. James Dobson's Family...

Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 01/21/2022

Rev Up the Romance with Marriage Mentor, Rhonda Stoppe - Video Interview

Rev Up the Romance with Marriage Mentor, Rhonda Stoppe. During this program you’ll discover: • 4 secrets to keeping romance in marriage alive. • How unmet expectations interfere with romance.  • Sage advice for young wives and moms.  • Counsel and encouragement for wives whose partners are addicted to porn. Rhonda Stoppe is a popular conference speaker, the author of six books and has appeared on Focus on the Family, Family Life Today and more. She’s been married to her high school sweetheart for 39 years and weaves Christian comedy with Biblical...

Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 06/14/2021

The Marriage Mentor - Becoming the Couple You Long to Be

Imagine if your good friends were a couple  dedicated to help you build the marriage you’ve always dreamed of.  Steve and Rhonda are that couple.  Every page feels like a candid conversation with friends  who care deeply about helping you  enjoy the marriage  you’ve always hoped for. *And Steve & Rhonda have made a FREE VIDEO SERIES  to go along with each chapter of The Marriage Mentor . So, if you can’t get your spouse to read the book, read it yourself and then share with them the short, fun, videos with Steve & Rhonda....

Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 09/04/2018


Steve & Rhonda Stoppe authors of the new book THE MARRIAGE MENTOR have created a video series that you and your spouse can watch for FREE. Each video goes along the chapters in their book.  We get it. You (or your spouse) are not a reader! That's why we made these FREE easy to watch videos to help engage couples in conversations that will help mentor them toward becoming the couple they long to be. Great for couples, and for small group discussions.  WATCH FREE MARRIAGE VIDEOS HERE ...

Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 09/04/2018

WATCH FREE Real Life Romance Videos! (Grab your tissue cuz each story is better than the last... with all the feels!)

WATCH These FREE videos are an ADDED BONUS to Rhonda Stoppe's newest book: #RealLifeRomance is a compilation of Real Life Stories of ORDINARY PEOPLE who found EXTRAORDINARY LOVE. Watch some of the couples share their sweet stories here... #HarvestHousePublishers ...

Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 09/04/2018

YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE for FREE videos to help you become a No Regrets Woman!

For FREE VIDEOS to help you become a No Regrets Woman, Subscribe to Rhonda's YouTube Channel :  Rhonda Stoppe No Regrets Woman ...

Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 09/04/2018

Moms Raising Sons to Be Men

MOMS RAISING SONS TO BE MEN by Rhonda Stoppe Harvest House Publishers 2013 This book was selling 1000 copies per month when it released, because moms of sons are desperate for mentors. "Imagine if you had your own personal mommy mentor, that's what you'll find in my book MOMS RAISING SONS TO BE MEN." ~Rhonda Stoppe Mothers of boys have the special opportunity to shape future men of God. Rhonda Stoppe knows first-hand how this privilege can be a challenge, a joy, and probably the most important work of a woman’s life. Drawing from years of experience ministering...

Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 04/28/2017

If My Husband Would Change I'd Be Happy & Other Myths Wives Believe (Harvest House 2016)

FROM THE AUTHOR:  I love LOVE STORIES don’t you? In If My Husband Would Change I’d Be Happy I laughed and I cried as I wrote about the love stories of people like:  -Charles & Susanna Spurgeon -Priscilla & Aquila - As well as what historians observed about the deep love between The Apostle Peter and his wife.  And I am confident I shared way too many intimate details about my own marriage with the love-of-my-life Steve Stoppe! You’re gonna learn so much about how men think from Steve as he wrote at the end of each chapter a section called: From...

Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 04/28/2017

A Christian Woman's Guide to Great Sex in Marriage

Imagine if you had your own PERSONAL MENTOR to help you learn to enjoy sex in your marriage bed…Rhonda Stoppe is that mentor!  With her honest, fun-loving manner, and from a biblical perspective in this short–to the point–book, you will feel as though Rhonda is sitting across from you over a cup of coffee to help you learn the secret to becoming the lover you had hoped you would be on the day you said “I do”.  Learning to enjoy sex with your man from the PRACTICAL insights in this book can help you:  – Discover ways to delight in sex in your...

Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 04/28/2017

I Sleep With the Pastor - a 52 Week Devotional for Pastors' Wives

Rhonda Stoppe has been a pastor’s wife for over 20 years, so she gets it! IMAGINE if you had your own PERSONA MENTOR to help you in this unique ministry to which God has called you!  I SLEEP WITH THE PASTOR is just that…a personal friend who understands the joys and conflicts of being a ministry marriage––and raising ministry kids!   This book is broken up into 52 weeks of devotionals, as Rhonda encourages the reader to take some time the day before her congregation meets to get her heart right with the Lord, her husband, her children and with the people...

Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 04/28/2017

The No Regrets Hour TV Show

The NO REGRETS HOUR airs the first Wednesday of every month with hosts Rabbi Eric Walker and Rhonda Stoppe No Regrets Woman. This one hour program is truly inspiring, engaging and delightful. You will look forward to hearing Rabbi Walker and Rhonda Stoppe share their own personal stories of breaking free from regret, as well as inspiring stories of others in history and in scripture who God used powerful in their generation once they learned the secret to a NO REGRETS LIFE! WATCH past episodes & SUBSCRIBE to the show here: The No Regrets Hour ...

Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 04/28/2017

Real Life Romance-Inspiring Stories to Help You Believe in True Love

REAL LIFE ROMANCE  by Rhonda Stoppe (Harvest House Publishers 2018) Imagine a book that helps you teach your teens or young adult children about Real Life Romance that honors Christ. What if this book was easy to read, with all the feels that keeps your young reader coming back again and again to each short story of true love? That's what you'll find with Real Life Romance! And don't be surprised if these sweet stories rekindle the romance in your own marriage too! Whether you're single and looking for a reason to believe or a parent watching your own child...

Posted by Rhonda Stoppe on 09/08/2017