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Ann-Maria Benton

Christian Speaker
Atlanta Georgia 30314

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Teaching Truth that Transforms

Teaching Truth that Transforms

Contact Information

Atlanta, GA 30314
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
Griffin Center Point Church
Relationship to Church
Member of
Speaking Experience
Experienced (over 10 events)
Fee Range
Bureau Level Fees

More About Ann-Maria Benton

Ann-Maria Benton (aka the #TruthTeacher) is an ordained minister, best-selling author, and transformational speaker. Previously the founder of Ann Thomas Ministry, Ann-Maria is a former radio host, and a gifted speaker, who interweaves the truth of God’s Word, humor, and transparent testimonies to create an atmosphere for authentic and life-transforming encounters. Standing firm on John 8:32, Ann-Maria believes that knowing the truth unleashes freedom, and freedom gives birth to one’s full potential.   

 "Ann-Maria's talents in speaking are augmented by her integrity, authenticity, and humility."

Born in Antigua, West Indies, Ann-Maria is married to her soul mate Willie, and is the proud mom of two sons, Anthony and Jonathan. Ann-Maria serves in her local church, is a prison minister, mentors, and speaks at various events, conferences, and churches around the U.S. and abroad.  She’s been featured in several magazines, spoke on various radio and talk shows, and appeared on the Christian Television Network's HomeKeeper's broadcast.

 "A woman of power, compassion, wisdom and strength, yet remains humble."

Ann-Maria’s compassion and transparency allows her to authentically connect with people of all ages, genders, races, and socio economic classes. Through her own personal struggles and victories, Ann-Maria is able to encourage and empower those who struggle with identity and self-esteem issues, abortion, divorce, domestic violence, singlehood and celibacy, toxic relationships, and other issues that seek to destroy our God-given destiny. God is able to turn any mess into a beautiful message.

Her life-changing book, The New Consecrated Cocoon – Emerging from Intimate Isolation with Power and Purpose is a must read for everyone who is tired of living the low-lying life of a caterpillar and are ready to be transformed into a butterfly who soars boldly into their purpose and destiny. Drawing on the similarities of a caterpillar's metamorphosis process, Ann-Maria introduces readers to a spiritual cocoon. A protected and isolated place where God prunes, refines, restores, prepares, and propels into purpose and destiny. When surrendered, isolation becomes intimacy, pain becomes purpose, and our test becomes our testimony. Birthed from her own spiritual cocoon, her book identifies life situations that draw us into cocoon-like experiences accompanied by feelings of rejection, regret, disappointment, resentment, unforgiveness, lack of self-worth, etc.  Ann-Maria brilliantly exposes the lies about who we THINK we are and purposefully reveals the truth of who God SAYS we are.

A sought after workshop facilitator, Ann-Maria leverages from 25+ years of corporate experience to incorporate leadership, communication, and project management skills; along with practical, applicable and highly effective principles. She is a certified project manager, an entrepreneur, and co-founder of a publishing company.  Ann-Maria currently resides in the state of Georgia.

Ann-Maria’s workshops are designed to:

  • Educate participants to know the truth
  • Challenge participants to assimilate the truth
  • Inspire participants to live the truth
  • Motivate participants to point others to the truth



To invite Ann-Maria to speak, visit her website: www.annmariabenton.com