How quickly we step out of grace and enter back into legalism...It starts with subtle guilt (I didn't have my devotions this morning...God's favor won't be upon my day now!) and escalates into a full-blown works mentality (have I done enough to please Him??)! We must embrace His grace and cling to it, for in His grace we have true freedom...not freedom to sin, but freedom NOT to sin!
Grace...What is it? Romans 6:1
The Greatest Gift - But Most Often Unwrapped! - receive His grace - Jn. 1:16
When we realize what it cost Jesus to cleanse us of those sins, the brutality He endured, the love for us that drove Him to that cross, we will not WANT to sin!! Our gratefulness to Him for His overflowing grace toward us will fill our hearts with the desire to do the things that please Him!