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Posted by: Anna Moore Bradfield on 01/22/2024

Warrior Women: Winning the Spiritual Battle of Your Life

Spiritual warfare is often misunderstood or oversimplified, leading to confusion and misconceptions even among God’s children. Since we don’t understand it, we make inaccurate generalizations. 

Many believe that spiritual warfare:

  • Only involves dramatic, supernatural battles. 
  • Only affects non-Christians or new Christians. 
  • Only affects “super” Christians like church leaders.
  • Only involves external demonic forces.
  • Only occurs for a single event or season.
  • Is the cause for every challenge, failure, or negative emotion and the culprit for every physical or circumstantial issue.

In this interactive experience, Anna facilitates an understanding of:

  • What spiritual warfare is.
  • How we can accurately identify it.
  • How we can win the battles so we can enjoy the victorious lives God has designed for us. 

We will use Anna’s award-winning, best-selling series The Lambswool Chronicles, as the basis for this interactive event, which could be implemented either as a presentation or as an interactive workshop. 

The Lambswool Chronicles transport the reader into the world of ancient Israel where David, the apple of God’s eye, seeks to fulfill his purpose as king. In this series, trouble and hardship abound amidst love, forgiveness, and hope for a better tomorrow. Attendees will learn how to identify spiritual warfare and how to win their everyday battles for the glory of God. 

Both Legacy and Lunacy could be purchased and autographed in advance for attendees. 

Anna Moore Bradfield, Author


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