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Posted by: Sandee Lester on 11/02/2015

Even Superheroes Need God

When Sandee Lester met her husband, Rick, in Korea, he was flying F-4's with the Air Force while she toured the Far East performing with an all-female show band. He was dressed as Superman and her nickname was Wonder Woman. It seemed inevitable that they should be together. Seven years into their marriage and two children later, their relationship was in trouble. After the sudden death of her father, Sandee turned to another man for support. When Rick got an assignment with the Air Force to go to Germany, she contemplated divorce. God had other plans and continually reminded her that He wouldn't be happy if she left her husband. Sandee tells the brutally honest account of how she and her husband almost destroyed their marriage. She also shares some humorous anecdotes about Air Force living, marrying a fighter pilot, motherhood, traveling around Europe, and some serious moments about infidelity and about going to war. Most of all, she tells the story of how God saved her and her marriage.

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