Feeling overweight, less than beautiful, invisible, hopeless, unsure? Lorraine will instill HOPE into your weary soul with conviction, passion, and humor! No matter how long you've...
You had every great intention. You started serving with a good heart. But now, something's off. You are not feeling the joy in volunteerism that you used to feel. BUT WAIT! DON'T...
God has given you gifts. What’s keeping you from using them? What’s holding you back? I'll share my own testimony of sitting on my gifts for far too long until I learned...
God desires partnership for us. We can follow Scripture to learn how. From Sarah and Esther, to Elizabeth and Mary I will use Biblical women to discuss marriage. I also will use...
If you have an event theme, I will pray and see what God has to say for your event. If you don't, I will work with you to develop a theme. Yvette Walker, host of Positively...