Step into the fullness of your divine potential with "Unleashing Your Divine Potential," a transformative session designed to guide your audience in achieving lasting change...
In a world where cultural norms are ever-changing and often in direct opposition to God's truth, how do we stand firm and thrive? "Called to Be Different" is a powerful...
Being obedient is a daily workout. We have choices throughout our day to walk as Jesus walked...or not. God's commands are not to withhold things from us but to protect us....
I didn't experience the love of a father growing up. But when I found out I had a Father in heaven who loved me more than any earthly father could, my life was forever changed...
Come be filled with the wonder of God's love this Christmas! Every hero has an origin story, and so do you and here's the surprise--it happened long before your parents were...
Want to equip your women for relational discipleship in one day? This intensive 3-session workshop teaches principles from Kim's groundbreaking book DiscipleSips: Leaving a Jesus...
Posted by Kim Aldrich on 12/10/2024
Friends, it's better to be loved than to be perfect. And You were loved by God when you were created. You were loved by God when you were still His enemy. You are loved when you...
Every hero has an origin story, and so do you and here's the surprise--it happened long before your parents were born! Whatever you've been told about your beginnings, the...
When my youngest daughter took physics in high school, on the first day of class she raised her hand and asked, "What is physics?" What an obvious and brilliant question!...
Where is your mind taking you? Every journey begins with a single thought, and in "Thoughts on Track: Navigating Life with a God-Centered Mindset,” Georgina guides your...
Posted by Georgina Verzal on 09/23/2024
God has uniquely equipped each of us with individual abilities, energy, time, and resources. But how are you using them? In "Maximizing Your Gifts," Georgina will guide your...
Posted by Georgina Verzal on 09/17/2024
Is your light shining brightly or has it dimmed? Come learn ways to share your light with a world that needs all you have to offer! The Bible challenges us to let our light shine....
Posted by Susan Howell on 08/31/2024