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Posted by: Jeri Howe on 12/05/2024

You are Loved: Your Origin Story

Every hero has an origin story, and so do you and here's the surprise--it happened long before your parents were born! Whatever you've been told about your beginnings, the truth is you were created out of an overflow of love.


This talk can kick off a retreat that explores God's love and also works well as a Christmas presentation showing the connection between Jesus' story and our story.

You will discover:

  • Not how but why God created us.
  • Why it matters that God is not moody.
  • No matter what you've heard about your beginnings, every one of us has a good origin story.
  • You were loved before the creation of the world and you are loved now.
  • How God wants us to experience His love.

Jeri Howe has experienced God's overflowing love in her own life and shares it with others in her messages and writing. Visit jerihowe.com to learn more.

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