We live in a sinful, disease-filled world and it is hard to see the good. But God. These two words bring hope to the hopeless, faith to the faithless, and joy to the joyless. Join...
Are you experiencing heartache or difficulty in your life? Psalm 56:8 tells us that God collects our tears in a bottle and records every teardrop in His book. God cares about our pain,...
Are you ready to Let Your Light Shine?We have all sung, "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine!" We are familiar with Bible verses in Matthew chapter 5,...
Negative thoughts can interfere with who we truly are in Christ! Be empowered to face each day with biblical principles and ways to change negative thinking into positive winning...
Christmas is a joyous time but can be a stressful time. Doris helps women find JOY in simplicity, JOY in the season they are in, and JOY in the meaning of it all. The truth is, Jesus...
Using biblical truth, Doris unpacks five important topics women struggle with: Identity, Confidence, Courage, Gifts, and Calling. It's time to be free of labels, fears, doubts,...
Doris uses biblical truth and personal stories to show women how God equips and empowers them to engage their gifts to impact the world for Christ. God wants to use His daughters to...