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Posted by: Dawn Stephens on 06/10/2024

The Emotional Journey of Lighting the Way: From Pride to Humility

Are you ready to Let Your Light Shine?

We have all sung, "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine!" We are familiar with Bible verses in Matthew chapter 5, where Jesus describes that we should not hide our lights but shine so that others can see our good deeds and glorify God. However, we sing and recite these Truths without fully understanding their meaning. 

Dawn shares an inspiring and humorous message about an oil lamp that the Potter creates to shine through a stormy and dark night. Listeners will discover how brightly their lights should shine and how our pride can cause us to scorch others and turn them away from God. The light we carry must come from our creator, and we are responsible for holding it so that others feel the warmth and light of Christ.

Lighting the way means being willing to share our testimonies with others. This is not only the way we shine but also how we pass the flame that allows others to become beacons.

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