Has someone ever tapped you on the shoulder to point out the toilet paper stuck to the bottom of your shoe that is trailing behind you in the airport? What about the piece of spinach...
Uncover the art of sharing your story by acquiring skills in presenting it in various formats—whether in person, in writing, or through imagery. Explore multiple methods and...
When it comes to reading the Bible, we’ve all felt overwhelmed by where to start, what to read, and how to make the most of our time. In Bible Boot Camp, Donna Amidon shares...
How is your Christian life like a mystery story? What undercover roles are you playing? Do you know whodunnit, or what's been done? Come explore the motives and methods of life...
Posted by Jennifer Sands on 03/17/2020
Sometimes , " Where words fail, music speaks." ~Hans Christian AndersenOne of the unique things about Trish's ministry is that not only does Trish speak about how God...
Posted by Trish Torline on 08/09/2019
My former friends procrastination, denial, and avoidance, and I learned a lesson from a mattress today..Today was one of “those” days. I awoke exhausted as if I had not...
Posted by Connie Ruth Christiansen on 10/28/2018
Current studies show almost 10 percent of the American population is affected by depression each year and depression among children is increasing at a rate of 23% per year. Peggy...
Posted by Peggy Ployhar on 06/26/2017
In a world growing increasingly unsafe for the believer and for a woman in general, it is necessary to protect ourselves both spiritually and physically. In these sessions, Beth addresses...
Perfect for caregivers, this presentation will address methods to refresh and refill the body, mind and spirit with God's compassionate love....
Posted by Patricia Farrell on 11/02/2015
Too many times, we face confrontations with friends and colleagues. How do we express our feelings in a Christ like caring and compassionate way? This presentation will share methods...
Posted by Patricia Farrell on 11/02/2015
Are you frustrated with the latest Dr. Phil, Oprah, and/or pop Psychology trends in parenting? Have you tried these methods only to find that they are ineffective and sometimes even...
Posted by Tamberlyn Brown on 10/29/2015
What if your members could easily attract clients… …and they didn’t have to spend a dime in advertising? …and they didn’t have to attend umpteen networking events? …and...
Posted by Elizabeth Hagen on 10/29/2015