Answering the call of God on our lives can be scary and exhilerating at the same time. When we say "yes" to Jesus we say yes to all He has for us. I inspire audiences with...
Posted by Dawn-Rene Curiel on 12/09/2024
Experiencing the power of God's presence changes us. Treasures from Heaven and nuggets of wisdom unfold as I share experiences from my own life. I offer your audience practical...
I have a plethora of topics I’ve spoken on throughout my career and am happy to share on just about anything. I'm always thrilled to share personal & MIRACULOUS healing...
Danna's passion as a Christian life coach was born out of her own need for a God-sized makeover when her life was falling apart. She's mentored thousands of women toward life-changing...
Posted by Danna Demetre on 03/08/2024
God chose each of us to live on his eternal timeline - today! Sharing my life-coaching tools, I do an in-depth look at the story of Esther. Like the orphan-turned-queen who faced life...
Posted by Melissa Kirk on 06/09/2023
Are you ready to follow Christ with the fire of the Holy Spirit? Kate shares real life stories of being guided by God and humbly obeying, taking her and others on a fierce path...
Negative thoughts can interfere with who we truly are in Christ! Be empowered to face each day with biblical principles and ways to change negative thinking into positive winning...
Posted by Kate Decker on 12/12/2022
Understanding the unique purpose and power of a woman in modern society is a 21st century challenge of epic proportions. Cultural stereotypes have historically kept millions of women...
The Courage to move forward is a virtual workshop that is designed to help women move forward in life. Many women hold on to things that happened in the pass when God wants us...
Posted by Tonnia Cotton on 11/23/2021
Women are powerful and resourceful creatures: tough on the inside, soft on the outside. We were made to lead and to make decisions because of our ability to multitask, plan and execute...
Posted by Memory Kate Chambati on 10/05/2020
We were all created for a purpose but not all of us are walking in it. Some never find it till it is too late. I show you How To Find Your True Life Purpose. It is never too late to...
Posted by Memory Kate Chambati on 10/05/2020
With storytelling style, Tina follows the arc of an epic adventure to describe how we can embrace our divine purpose and overcome barriers to living with victory. Available for online...