Through a deep dive into Jesus’ interactions with several women of the Bible, you’ll discover the lasting impact of His radical regard and profound love for women.Come...
A growing objection to Christianity is based in the attitudes and behaviors of Christians themselves. “I don’t want to go to church, it’s full of hypocrites.”...
Doubting belief in God doesn’t always end in a deconversion. Mary Jo shares her story of how hypocrisy in the church caused her to question her faith. She then offers a realistic...
Understanding the unique purpose and power of a woman in modern society is a 21st century challenge of epic proportions. Cultural stereotypes have historically kept millions of women...
What caused Christianity to splinter into almost innumerable denominations and sub-denominations? How can we work with others who call themselves Christians and strive to follow Christ...
“New Age and the Church”—Exposing the deception of the New Age, occult, parapsychology, and false religions. These “false evidences of God” are deceiving...
Based on her book Does This Outfit Make Me Look Fat? - A candid take on being a real woman, dealing with real life issues and living out real faith, challenging ourselves as women...
The Resurrection of Jesus is the foundational doctrine upon which Christianity rises or falls (1 Cor. 15:14-20). In this session, we explore four facts about Jesus that a consensus...
A common objection to Christianity is the claim that the story of Jesus was borrowed from pagan mythology (for example, the worship of Horus or Mithras). This session will provide...