Danna's passion as a Christian life coach was born out of her own need for a God-sized makeover when her life was falling apart. She's mentored thousands of women toward life-changing freedom by sharing the biblical principles that transformed her life.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind... Romans 12:2
Who Needs a Perfect Makeover? We ALL Do! Before any significant makeover can happen, some demolition is usually needed. The old and unnecessary must be torn down before it can be replaced with the new and needed improvements. That is how God usually works in our own lives – but not until we are willing to stand before the Master Makeover Artist and surrender all the “stuff” that is standing in the way of our remodel.
In her authentic and transparent style, Danna provides scriptural and practical teaching that helps women experience a profound makeover from the inside out in four key life dimensions: Physical – Mental – Relational – Spiritual.